Facebook to hire 10,000 people in Europe to develop Metaverse
Facebook to hire 10,000 people in Europe to develop Metaverse
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.18 15:50
  • 댓글 0
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Facebook, the world's largest social media company, announced on the 18th (local time) a plan to hire 10,000 highly skilled workers in Europe over five years to build the metaverse.

According to AFP and Bloomberg, Facebook announced on its company blog on the same day, "It plans to create 10,000 jobs in Europe over the next five years. .

The job plan announced by Facebook will include 'high-skilled professional engineers', but it did not disclose specific plans for the new metaverse.

However, Facebook said, "Europe has a great environment for technology companies such as huge consumer markets, first-class universities and top-notch talent to invest. I look forward to it,” he said.

The recruitment plan came amid Facebook's struggles with fatal scandals, service disruptions, and various regulations.

Former Facebook employee Frances Haugan testified in a recent U.S. Senate hearing that Facebook and its subsidiary Instagram are harming the safety of children and others for the company's benefit.

In a report last month, the Washington Post analyzed Facebook's interest in Metaverse as "part of a broader effort to restore the company's reputation that has been tarnished by the government and lead the regulation of next-generation Internet technologies."

In July, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced his vision to transform Facebook from a social media company into a metaverse company over the next five years.

Prior to that, in 2014, it acquired Oculus, which makes virtual reality (VR) headsets, for $2 billion (about 2.3 trillion won) and developed it into a VR-based social media platform 'Horizon'.

Horizon released a beta version of its new service, Horizon Workroom, in August of this year.

Horizon Workroom is a service that allows up to 16 avatars to gather and work in a virtual meeting space. When a user wearing the VR headset 'Oculus Quest 2' taps the keyboard or touches the desk, the avatar in the metaverse performs the same action on the screen.'

Metaverse enthusiasts note that the Internet has begun to blur the boundaries between the virtual and the real world.

Pop star Ariana Grande and rapper Travis Scott performed for an audience at home in the video game 'Fortnite'.

In Decentraland, considered the pioneer of the metaverse, users can even earn real money by getting dealer jobs in virtual casinos.

Facebook said in a blog post, "No company like the Internet owns or operates the Metaverse. The key to Metaverse is openness and interoperability."

Facebook isn't the only company pouring millions of dollars into Metaverse technology.

Epic Games, the creator of Fortnite, announced earlier this year that it had raised $1 billion in new funding, some of which was set aside to support the Metaverse.


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