Lee Junseok. "If you block the special prosecutor...""There will be only darkness in front of the Democratic Party of Korea Party".
Lee Junseok. "If you block the special prosecutor...""There will be only darkness in front of the Democratic Party of Korea Party".
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.08 14:59
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The power of the people, "Following the struggle for walking, a tent sit-in...""Pressure to accept the special prosecutor".


Two days ago, the people set up a tent headquarters following the "walk struggle" and expanded the front line of the outdoor struggle in all directions, and began a tent sit-in in front of the main building of the National Assembly and fiercely pressured the acceptance of a special prosecutor for the ruling party.

Lee Joon-seok said to Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung at the opening ceremony of the tent struggle headquarters urging the acceptance of special prosecutors on the 8th, "It will be revealed immediately if it is incompetent, corruption, or both as the public suspects."

In the meantime, Lee Nak-yeon, former chairman of the Democratic Party of Korea, dismissed the opposition party's demand for a special prosecutor as a misinterpretation, adding, "I'm really disappointed. I will not appeal to the Democratic Party anymore. "I will warn you. If the Democratic Party of Korea blocks parliamentary investigations and special prosecutors, there will be only darkness in the future," he warned.

Floor leader Kim Ki-hyun also said at the inauguration ceremony, "I feel like I'm vomiting blood. "This is what the prosecution is today about, saying that the prosecution is not confiscating and searching Seongnam City Hall, and that it will leave a person named Lee Jae-myung in an extraterritorial area and serve him as if he were a new home," he criticized.

Floor leader Kim also said at a parliamentary inspection meeting ahead of the inauguration ceremony, "Lee Jae-myung, governor of Gyeonggi-do Province, was expelled from the public," adding, "If the Democratic Party insists on protecting the common sense and justice."

Meanwhile, it is interpreted that the establishment of a tent headquarters is a sign of a full-fledged outdoor struggle by the people.

Previously, the Grand National Party, the predecessor of the People's Power, set up a 'tent company' in an empty lot in Yeouido as public opinion grew stronger after the impeachment of President Roh Moo-hyun in 2004, ahead of the 17th general election. Chi has succeeded in turning the hearts of his supporters in part with the precipitation.

Since then, the tent struggle has been a symbol of the people's power-affiliated political parties' reform and outdoor struggle.

The power of the people also implemented a "Lee Jay" tactic within the Democratic Party, highlighting the possibility that Governor Lee may have been involved in the alleged leader-in-chief.

Floor leader Kim said, "Even within the Democratic Party, there was a saying that it was Lee Jae-myung Gate. There was also a mention of the case where candidate Lee was arrested on charges of breach of trust, he said. "This means that even within the Democratic Party, Lee Jae-myung Gate is aware of the fact that it is a very serious and severe problem."

Kim Do-eup, chairman of the policy committee, also said at a parliamentary inspection meeting, "Lee Sang-min, chairman of the Democratic Party of Korea's election committee, said he could eventually go to a special prosecution, and Seol-hoon (former CEO Lee) also said.


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