Professor Lee Wang-jae of the Department of Immunology at Seoul National University of Medicine, "99% of the people don't have to be afraid of COVID-19 at all."
Professor Lee Wang-jae of the Department of Immunology at Seoul National University of Medicine, "99% of the people don't have to be afraid of COVID-19 at all."
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.28 13:46
  • 댓글 2
이 기사를 공유합니다

Lee Wang-jae, an honorary professor (Doctor of Immunology) at Seoul National University Medical School, who boasts the highest authority in the field of immunology in Korea, mentioned the reality of COVID-19 in an interview with a media outlet in August. 

Professor Lee's remarks, which appear to be expressing dissatisfaction with the quarantine authorities' excessive fear of COVID-19, are summarized and published as they are. 

"I'm an immunologist. He's a cold expert." 

Collective immunity is vain. 
Coronavirus is a representative virus among 200 cold viruses. 
SARS and MERS are all coronavirus. 
The flu is an influenza virus. 

It is accompanied by severe fever and headache. 
A cold is a common virus. It is accompanied by a weak runny nose, fever, and headache. No matter how variant it is, a cold is just a cold. 

SARS had a mortality rate of 10%. MERS had a mortality rate of 20-30%.
At first, COVID-19 had a slightly higher mortality rate than a cold. 
If the mortality rate increases, the virus quickly disappears because the host dies. 
Because of this, MERS quickly disappeared. 

The current COVID-19 has become a force similar to a cold. 
It has become indigenous to colds. 

Because of this, the host of COVID-19 (people with COVID-19) is alive, so COVID-19 does not disappear. 
Therefore, just as there is no need to be afraid of a cold, there is no need to be afraid of COVID-19. 

These days, few people die of COVID-19 a day. 
There are far more people who die from vaccines a day. 

The problem is that intellectuals who can lead Korea adjust the fear of COVID-19. 
If fear is created, the government can control the people with rights. This is working now.

Isn't it because the government says, "Don't gather more than two people?" "Don't do face-to-face worship". Didn't you not? 

Our people are gentle sheep. 

How can intellectuals just stay looking at such a false Corona policy? 

Statistics show that COVID-19 tests have been conducted over the past year, and 99.4% were asymptomatic. 
99.4% of Koreans say there is no problem even if they get COVID-19. Therefore, 99.4% of Koreans have no reason to get a vaccine. 
I just can't understand getting all the people vaccinated. 

Young and healthy people fight mucous membrane cells when the COVID-19 virus enters. 
If you are older or have an underlying disease, the mucous membrane cells are weak and the COVID-19 virus penetrates into the blood vessels. 
Young and healthy people have no reason to get a vaccine. 

It is nonsense that four people can eat before 6 o'clock, and only two people have to eat after 6 o'clock. 
Does that make sense? Korea is the country with the highest IQ in the world. 
Even low-skilled children do not make such decisions. 

Israel has already proven that vaccines do not work. 
The same is true of the UK. Although Israel was completely hit by Pfizer and Moderna, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 increased as before vaccination. 

The highest authority on infectious diseases in Korea is Professor Oh Myung-don of Seoul National University. 
He said the day before yesterday that "group immunity is absolutely impossible." 

He is an infectious disease scholar with no political color. 
Although Israel and the UK have proven that collective immunity is impossible, many argue that "collective immunity is possible." You should never say that again. 

Vaccines are not the answer. Should 99.4% of healthy people be vaccinated for 0.6% of severely ill patients? 

According to an announcement by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 54 high school seniors are currently suffering from critically ill patients after being vaccinated. The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, "We cannot confirm that there is a senior high school student who died after being vaccinated." 
This means that "there is a student who died after being vaccinated." 

High school seniors are children who can never die even if they catch the flu. 
So far, more than one or two young people in their 20s and 30s have died after being vaccinated. 

Although it is not clear whether he died of COVID-19, he is promoting 10 to 20 times, and reducing the number of deaths from vaccinations. 

Vaccine companies supply vaccines with promises that they will not be responsible for accidents after being vaccinated. 
It is dereliction of duty that law majors do not say anything. 

I often go out for medical service. 
I have to take responsibility even if an accident occurs while doing medical service. 

Therefore, it makes no sense for a company that makes huge money by selling vaccines to be not responsible for vaccine accidents. It's linked to something. 

I don't really understand Korean people. 
they take off their mask inside the building (when they talk after eating), and wear a mask outside. they even wear a mask while walking alone.
At least wearing a mask outside is completely unnecessary. 

I studied immunology and cold viruses all my life. 
I hope I can get out of the fear of COVID-19 now. COVID-19 has turned into an indigenous cold. 

99% of the people don't have to be afraid of COVID-19 at all. Only severely ill patients need to be careful." (The end)


- Excerpt from Professor Lee Wangjae's remarks on Goseong Guk TV. -


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abc 2021-12-30 14:15:16 (59.7.***.***)
밑에서 3번째 문단 중 Take off your mask inside the building (when you talk after eating), and wear a mask outside. I even wear a mask while walking alone. 이거 잘못되었습니다. => they take off their mask inside the building (when they talk after eating), and wear a mask outside. they even wear a mask while walking alone. 이렇게 수정해야 합니다. 이박사님 말씀이 이렇습니다.
abc 2021-12-30 14:16:09 (59.7.***.***)
please correct like following. // Take off your mask inside the building (when you talk after eating), and wear a mask outside. I even wear a mask while walking alone. 이거 잘못되었습니다. => they take off their mask inside the building (when they talk after eating), and wear a mask outside. they even wear a mask while walking alone.

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