Vikings confirm North American habitation 1,000 years ago... Found a piece of wood
Vikings confirm North American habitation 1,000 years ago... Found a piece of wood
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.21 10:22
  • 댓글 0
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Physical evidence has been found that the Vikings set foot on the American continent before Christopher Columbus.

The New York Times (NYT) reported on the 20th (local time) that a research team at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands has identified traces of the Vikings from 1,000 years ago in a piece of wood found at Lance o Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada.

The researchers analyzed the ring rings of pieces of wood cut from three different trees.

It was noted that high levels of radiocarbon were found in the tree rings produced at this time because of the large-scale solar storm that occurred between 992 and 993 AD.

In fact, tree rings engraved with traces of a solar storm in 992 were found on three pieces of wood.

All of these rings were the 29th ring on the bark. It is said that the tree was cut down 29 years after the solar storm.

Accordingly, the team concluded that the pieces of wood were cut down in 1021.

The problem is that it has been confirmed that the three pieces of wood were cut by a blade made of iron, presumed to be an axe.

Considering that the indigenous peoples of North America in the 11th century did not use iron, the research team concludes that it was the Vikings who crossed the Atlantic to cut the tree.

In the 1960s, traces of a residence resembling Greenland's Viking ruins were found in Lance o Meadows, along with a Nordic-style copper pin.

Since then, it has been suggested that the Vikings may have arrived in North America via Greenland, but this is the first time that the date has been scientifically confirmed.

The research results were published in the scientific journal 'Nature' published on the same day.


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