Pfizer vaccine decreases after 2 months? "Let's buy a vaccine".
Pfizer vaccine decreases after 2 months? "Let's buy a vaccine".
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.08 14:57
  • 댓글 0
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Results of research conducted in Israel and Qatar.
"Do you get vaccinated every 2 months?" Are you kidding me? "


With questions about the effectiveness of vaccines raised around the world, shocking studies have shown that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine decreases in two months. 

CNN and other mainstream U.S. media reported on the 7th (local time) that a paper stating that the immune effect of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine decreases rapidly about two months after completing the second vaccination was included in the latest edition of the U.S. medical journal New England Journal of Medicine.

This supports the warning that even those who have been vaccinated should still be careful about infection.

In the end, even if you get the Pfizer vaccine up to the second round, you should get additional vaccinations in two months. 

The problem is that additional vaccinations every two months can't be called vaccines at all. 

This raises suspicions that the COVID-19 vaccine was a fraud from the beginning. 

According to an Israeli study of 4,800 medical staff, antibody levels dropped sharply after the second vaccination, especially in men, the elderly aged 65 or older, and those taking immunosuppressants. 

Dr. Gili Regev-Yochai of Israel's Sheba Medical Center, who was in charge of the study, said in a paper, "In the case of vaccines for other infectious diseases such as measles, mumps, and rubella, the level of neutralizing antibodies gradually decreases by 5-10% every year."

In the case of people who were infected with COVID-19 and were vaccinated after recovering, their immunity lasted longer. 

A study conducted in Qatar looked at the process of people who were vaccinated by Pfizer/Bio&Tec being infected with COVID-19. Researchers said in the paper, "Four months after vaccination, the decrease in immunity accelerated and since then, the immunity has decreased to 20 percent," explaining that the effect of preventing hospitalization or death is still more than 90 percent. 

The researchers estimated that the reason for the decline in immune effects is that "people who have been vaccinated have more social contact and follow less safety rules than those who have not been vaccinated," and explained that "(this activity) reduces the effectiveness of vaccines more than biological effects."

In the end, it was an impossible hypothesis from the beginning to achieve collective immunity by receiving the Pfizer vaccine, and the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine itself may not have been guaranteed. 

These results mean that even if the vaccination rate is high, the preventive effect will decrease after a few months, and there is a possibility that the transmission will spread anew, the researchers added.

Pfizer has also revealed that the immune effect begins to decline a few months after completing two vaccinations, and has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for additional booster vaccinations for people six months after completion of vaccination.

The problem is that even if you get this booster vaccine, the immune effect will decrease again at two months, so the question is whether you should only get the vaccine forever. 

Some are preparing for a legal lawsuit with the claim that "pharmaceutical companies are fraudulent to get the booster vaccine," and that "the quarantine authorities and pharmaceutical companies that initially received the ineffective vaccine will be held legally responsible." 

Even in common sense, it is persuasive to argue that if the vaccine's effect lasts only two months, it should be regarded as a vaccine made wrong from the beginning.

In addition, there are voices saying that the quarantine authorities, which recommended vaccinations while promoting such ineffective vaccines as if they were world-class treatments, should apologize and be punished even now.

However, now that it's a booster shot or a third shot, there's a complaint that they won't be able to let go of the nonsense. 

Attention is focusing on how the domestic quarantine authorities will respond to shocking research results on Pfizer, along with claims that mainstream media that over-injected fears of COVID-19 and misled the world will not be free from legal lawsuits in the future.


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