Facebook's failure, "Is it a disaster after losing credibility due to illegal censorship related to COVID-19 and involvement in illegal elections?"
Facebook's failure, "Is it a disaster after losing credibility due to illegal censorship related to COVID-19 and involvement in illegal elections?"
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.06 15:14
  • 댓글 0
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Not just in Korea, but all over the world... "Blocking signal of collapse?
He was involved in the fraudulent election in the U.S. last year."Giving up fairness for the benefit of a specific company".

The world's worst social media account.

Facebook, known as a hotbed for illegal censorship and biased fact-checking, is currently in trouble around the world. 

From around 1 a.m. on the 5th, social media of Facebook affiliates such as Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp have not been accessed at once from Korea, Southeast Asia, and Europe. 

It is unusual for servers in a specific region to go down worldwide, not defective servers in certain regions. 

It is true that recently, Facebook and other IT companies, called Big Tech, have shown impure behavior, such as intervening in fraudulent elections in the U.S. and blocking vaccine-related information sharing at will. 

As a result, it has been predicted that there will be serious attacks such as legal lawsuits or large-scale hacking against Big Tech soon.  

Currently, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all in trouble. 

Francis Hogan, Facebook's internal exposure released on CBS' current affairs program "60 Minutes" on the 3rd (local time). Facebook was criticized for neglecting its subsidiary Instagram even though it knew it was harmful to the mental health of teenagers. In addition, Facebook is suspected of illegally censoring and conducting its own fact-checking related to COVID-19 to delete or prevent normal posts from being exposed. Hogan is scheduled to testify at a U.S. Senate hearing on the 5th. Photo = Yonhap News Agency.

Facebook has become a mess with whistleblowers.

With the recent internal revelations that pointed out Facebook issues, there is a growing perception that "Facebook is a company that pursues only profits rather than user safety."

An whistleblower who worked for tech companies such as Google for 15 years and worked as a project manager on Facebook from 2019 to May 2021 recently revealed, "Facebook always chose corporate interests between social and corporate interests," adding, "There are problems with several social media companies, but Facebook was the most serious of them."

The whistleblower, named Haugen, revealed the fact that Facebook stood by Instagram's teenage mental health hazards and helped politicians and sports stars be exposed by specially managing them as VIPs.

Finally, a hearing related to Facebook's illegal activities was held in the U.S. Senate on the 30th of last month.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was also called to a hearing with Twitter CEO Dorothy during the last U.S. presidential election. Mark Zuckerberg is known to have donated a large amount of money to the Democratic Party during the U.S. presidential election.   

"Facebook implemented measures to prevent the spread of misinformation during the 2020 U.S. presidential election, but immediately withdrew it because it did not help corporate growth as soon as the election was over," Haugen revealed.

Haugen and lawyers filed a complaint with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), claiming that Facebook did not properly disclose important information about the company to investors.

Haugen is also scheduled to testify at a Facebook hearing in the U.S. Senate on the 5th.

In this regard, Facebook claimed in a statement, "We are making improvements to solve the problem of spreading false information and harmful content."

Signal of collapse?

Facebook is being criticized for preventing users from expressing their opinions freely by deleting or censoring content related to the COVID-19 vaccine without permission. 

Recently, there are many articles on the tone of attacking Facebook in the mainstream media. Amid articles that the corporate image has fallen, some in the U.S. predict that Trump may first declare war on Facebook and Twitter as he tries to return to politics. 

Some argue that there is a force to check malicious big tech to manipulate public opinion and inject specific political tendencies against the world. 

Currently, Facebook, Instagram acquired by Facebook, and Oculus, a VR device service, are almost all down not only in Korea but also in Southeast Asia and Europe. 

Twitter is also not being accessed.


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