The power of the people. "People live with confidence in their military dedication.""Thank you for your hard work".
The power of the people. "People live with confidence in their military dedication.""Thank you for your hard work".
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.01 13:36
  • 댓글 0
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Moon Jae In regime's lax sense of security. "It's a pity that people feel anxious about security."

On the 1st, on the occasion of the 73rd Armed Forces Day, the people expressed their gratitude for the hard work of the Armed Forces soldiers, saying, "Because of the military's dedication, the people are filling their day with confidence today."

Chief spokesman Huh Eun-ah said in a comment earlier in the day, "Our military is contributing not only to national security but also to world peace. "I'm very proud of the developing military," he said.

He then pointed out, "It is only a pity that the public is feeling anxious about security due to the lax security consciousness of the Moon Jae In regime."

Chief spokesman Huh said, "The Moon Jae In regime disparaged the late general Baek Sun-yeop, the hero of the country, and failed to even properly vaccinate soldiers who were dispatched to Somalia. North Korea's response to the recent missile launch is also worrisome, he explained.

Regarding President Moon Jae In's Armed Forces Day commemoration, he also criticized, "North Korea fired a new surface-to-air missile yesterday, but there was no anti-rescue in the commemorative speech," adding, "We cannot find a firm willingness to deal with North Korean provocations."

Chief spokesman Huh pointed out, "Isn't this why a country's foreign minister goes all the way to the U.S. without being ashamed to defend China and even blame the U.S. for launching missiles?"


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  • 발행일 : 2008-05-01
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