The National Investment Corporation released new evidence of the April 15 general election fraud. "Already set the results before counting?"
The National Investment Corporation released new evidence of the April 15 general election fraud. "Already set the results before counting?"
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.28 13:43
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Sky Daily photographed the National Investment Corporation holding a press conference to disclose evidence of the April 15 election. Image = Sky Daily newspaper capture.

On the afternoon of the 27th, the National Struggle Movement Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as the National Investment Headquarters) held a press conference on the disclosure of evidence for the April 15th election at the Lawyer's Education and Culture Center in Seocho-gu, Seoul.

The press conference on this day detailed the evidence of the previous 4.15 general election fraudulent election, which was raised by Min Kyung-wook, lawyer Park Joo-hyun, and lawyer Do Tae-woo.

In particular, the National Investment Service stressed that it found evidence of new election manipulation by comparing the list of integrated voters and the ballot counting situation table in each district.

When comparing the number of integrated electoral lists and counting tables in each district, the numbers were different, but strangely, the number of integrated electoral lists and counting tables in each district matched.

The list of integrated voters is a document that proves that the ballot was handed out, and the ballot counting situation table is a table in which the ballot was actually counted and the number of the ballot was written down, so the numbers must match for each dong. Of course, numbers must match each dong to match even if the numbers are compared by district. This is because the results of counting on the day of counting are collected for each dong, summed up, and numbers are written for each district in the counting situation table.

However, the fact that the numbers match by district while the numbers do not match by district is, of course, strong circumstantial evidence that the numbers were set by district in advance and manipulated.

The National Investment Service explained, "The side that manipulates the election paid attention only to the combined number of each distinction in a specific district, so the district's detailed unit, Dongbyeol, was not manipulated, which turned out to be evidence."

Attorney Do Tae-woo said, "The ballot counting situation table was set in advance before the election. With big data, the number for each constituency was set in advance, but the number could not be accurately set for each dong. That's why there is a difference between the list of integrated electors and the ballot counting situation table, which is hundreds of people in each dong," he explained.

Integrated East is very much in the number of votes come the electoral register and vote discrepancies.But strangely,
Do you really fuse District is just about right numbers fell.Source = Park Joo-hyun, Facebook, a lawyer.

Attorney Park Joo-hyun explained in an easy-to-understand manner, showing the difference between the number of integrated electoral lists in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, and Yeongdeungpo-eul, Seoul, and the number of ballot counting tables in a table.

For example, some dongs increased by 300 votes and some dongs decreased by 300 votes, all of which were positive and negative, which explains the pattern of election manipulation.

CEO Min Kyung-wook said, "The fact that the number is so inconsistent with the documents written by the Central Election Commission, not anyone else, is clear evidence of fraudulent elections," adding, "We have manipulated the number of integrated voters by distinction, but this unit is a decisive organized election manipulation."

Attorney Park Joo-hyun and lawyer Do Tae-woo also raised their voices, saying, "The illegal election forces should kneel in front of the people and apologize," by presenting votes and photos comparing the list of integrated voters and counting tables prepared by the National Election Commission.

Multiple legal figures and election experts said, "I don't understand in common sense that there are hundreds of votes differences in the unified electoral list and ballot counting in each dong," adding, "The Supreme Court should hold a quick trial and thoroughly contrast the unified electoral list and ballot."


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