" Wirye new town development is Captain Kim Ki-hyun, miniature ...Two projects, Lee Jaemyeong Seongnam Mayor "
" Wirye new town development is Captain Kim Ki-hyun, miniature ...Two projects, Lee Jaemyeong Seongnam Mayor "
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.27 14:09
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Regarding the suspicion of the Daejang-dong development project, Kim Ki-hyun, floor leader of the People's Power, pointed out on the 27th, targeting Gyeonggi-do Governor Lee Jae-myung, then mayor of Seongnam, "There are suspicions that the 2013 Wirye New Town development project is a miniature version of the Daejang-dong development project."

Floor leader Kim said at a Supreme Council meeting held at the Yeouido National Assembly earlier in the day, "Candidate Lee Jae-myung, did this happen by accident?" "How can I explain the repeated reason?"

He then claimed, "(The Wirye New Town Development Project) was selected a day after the public offering announcement and Future Asset Management, which served as asset management like Hwacheon Daeyu, was convened three days after the announcement."

He said, "It is said that he invested 250 million won in 50,000 common shares and received more than 15 billion won in dividends," raising suspicions, "It is said that the whereabouts of (dividends) are unknown."

In particular, he said, "It is said that the circumstances related to Yoo Dong-kyu and Jeong Mo, who Governor Lee referred to as working-level officials for the development project in Daejang-dong, have been revealed. Both projects are the fact that Seongnam Mayor Lee Jae-myung was involved."

In 2013, it was pointed out that the Seongnam City Council was secretly pushing for the project without the consent of the city council, floor leader Kim said. "Some groups had fun in Wirye New Town and then made a big hit with all-time quick hits."

In addition, he pointed out, "After defining huge dividends as 'preferential profits', the fundamental problem is the design of profit dividends at the start of the development project."

Floor leader Kim continued to claim, "Lee Jae-myung himself has been the one who designed the entire project," adding, "If so, in any case, he cannot escape responsibility for the all-time sudden payment case and it is not something to pass on to others."

He then repeatedly demanded the acceptance of the special prosecution, saying, "Nevertheless, it is all-time shameless because we are angry, let alone reflecting," adding, "The Democratic Party of Korea and Governor Lee are not political offensives but openly responding to the special prosecution."

Meanwhile, floor leader Kim warned, "There is no shaking at the idea that the person responsible for the case must be responsible," adding, "If we avoid special prosecutors and parliamentary investigations as we do now, we will be branded as accomplices in all-time corruption cases."


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