The US logistics crisis is getting worse... 157 cargo ships waiting to arrive off the coast of LA
The US logistics crisis is getting worse... 157 cargo ships waiting to arrive off the coast of LA
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.20 10:31
  • 댓글 0
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The logistics crisis in the United States due to the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is getting worse.

Fox Business, an American economic media, reported on the 19th (local time) that the number of cargo ships waiting to enter the ports of Los Angeles (LA) and Long Beach reached a record high of 157 as of the 18th.

Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach are trade gateways to Asia, handling 40% of the loading and unloading of container ships arriving in the United States.

The two ports are experiencing serious bottlenecks as import cargo surges ahead of the year-end shopping due to disruptions in global supply chains triggered by the corona crisis.

Port of Los Angeles director Jean Seroca said 200,000 containers were waiting to be unloaded.

President Joe Biden held a countermeasures meeting at the White House last week and ordered 24-hour operation of Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to resolve the logistics crisis.

However, the situation is expected to worsen as container ships that crossed the Pacific from Asian countries continue to arrive and become a bottleneck in land transportation.

As many as 45 cargo ships will arrive in Los Angeles and Long Beach by the 21st.

The logistics crisis is affecting not only the western United States, but also the eastern ports.

Fox Business reports that 20 cargo ships are awaiting arrival off the coast of Savannah, Georgia.


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