Tired and lonely... 'Corona blue' 3 times ↑, low-income people 7 times more at risk
Tired and lonely... 'Corona blue' 3 times ↑, low-income people 7 times more at risk
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.06 09:13
  • 댓글 0
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After the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States, it was found that depression (corona blue) tripled and symptoms worsened. In addition, it was found that vulnerable people, such as low-income people or those who experienced COVID-19 stress, are more likely to feel the damage from COVID-19.

Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) Professor Sandro Galea and his team used the self-depression assessment tool (PHQ 9) in the medical journal 'Lancet Regional Health - Americas' on the 5th to use the Corona 19 epidemic before and after the epidemic. The results of a study of the change in the prevalence of depression among adults in the United States over a period of time revealed this result.

The research team conducted the 2017-2018 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data of 5,65 respondents and the 'Covid-19 Life Stress Impact on Mental Health and Well-being' (CLIMB) survey conducted in March-April of last year and March-April of this year. compared In the CLIMB survey, 1,441 people participated last year and 1,161 people this year.

As a result, the prevalence of depression among adults in the United States was 8.5% before the COVID-19 pandemic, but increased to 27.8% in March and April last year and 32.8% in this year's survey, indicating that the burden of depression has increased throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Usually, depression peaks after a traumatic event and then decreases over time," said Professor Galea. It is different from the pattern that has emerged since the Ebola outbreak, he said.

In addition, the CLIMB survey collected and analyzed stress factors related to COVID-19 such as financial problems, loneliness, and lack of childcare when a loved one was lost due to COVID-19. has been shown to affect

In particular, it was found that income level had a large effect on the risk of depression. A survey last spring showed that people with incomes of $20,000 or less were 2.3 times more likely to suffer from depression than people with incomes of $75,000 or more, but this spring's survey showed that it was more than seven times higher.

The study also found that while stressors from COVID-19 decreased overall during the pandemic, people who experienced four or more stressors were more likely to experience depression and least likely to overcome these stressors.

Researcher Catherine Etman, the first author of the paper, said, "The increasing and persistent high levels of depression suggest that the mental health burden posed by COVID-19 continues and is disproportionately influencing." Helping relieve stressors such as paying rent will help improve mental health and reduce the inequality that has been exacerbated by COVID-19.”


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