Russia's Senate warns North Korea to launch missiles: "US, China, Russia need to talk with North and South Korea"
Russia's Senate warns North Korea to launch missiles: "US, China, Russia need to talk with North and South Korea"
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.29 09:16
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On the 28th (local time), the Russian Senate has called for dialogue between the countries concerned over North Korea's short-range missile launch.

In an interview with TASS News on the same day, Vladimir Dzavarov, first vice chairman of the Russian Senate International Affairs Committee, urged the United States, Russia and China to start dialogues with the two Koreas to ensure security on the Korean Peninsula.

First Vice-Chairman Dzavarov, who represents the Senate's position on international affairs, insisted, "Russia, China, the United States and perhaps Japan, which are guarantees (security on the Korean Peninsula), should also activate dialogue that has virtually stopped." "Everyone should sit at the negotiating table with the two Koreas and resolve the issue of security guarantees on the Korean Peninsula," he said.

“With this [missile launch], North Korea wants to show itself as a reminder that it is ready to repel any attack at any time,” he said. We want to secure it,” he said.


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