British warship sails through Taiwan Strait... Tensions escalated after the establishment of Ocus
British warship sails through Taiwan Strait... Tensions escalated after the establishment of Ocus
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.27 21:11
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A British warship sailed through the Taiwan Strait amid the launch of AUKUS, a new security alliance between the United States, Britain and Australia.

According to Reuters news agency on the 27th (local time), a British destroyer sailed through the Taiwan Strait, a sensitive area on the way to Vietnam on the 26th.

The British warship's voyage is likely to stimulate China, as the US launches an orcus to intensify pressure on the public, Reuters reported.

Reuters did not specify the specific type of British destroyer that sailed through the Taiwan Strait.

Despite Chinese opposition, US warships sailed through the Taiwan Strait almost every month, but other allies have been reluctant to follow US lead.

Taiwan's Defense Minister Chu Guo-jeong (邱國正) declined to comment directly on the voyage of British warships, saying, "We do not know what missions foreign ships are performing in the Taiwan Strait," Reuters reported.

"As they pass through the Taiwan Strait, our military will monitor the situation, but will not interfere," Chu added. "We are closely monitoring all movements around Taiwan."

Earlier, Britain sent its latest aircraft carrier, the Queen Elizabeth, to the Indo-Pacific to conduct joint training with the US Marines in the Philippine Sea.

Moreover, the Queen Elizabeth was sent to Japan via the South China Sea. The Queen Elizabeth carrier group includes two destroyers.

China is stepping up training near Taiwan to counter the move.

On the 17th, China sent air planes to Taiwan's air defense zone in southwestern Taiwan almost every day, including the entry of 10 military planes into the Taiwan Air Defense Identification Zone.


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