“DAWINKS signs strategic partnership agreement with Spectrum Ventures”
“DAWINKS signs strategic partnership agreement with Spectrum Ventures”
  • 김현주 기자
    김현주 기자
  • 승인 2024.02.19 08:50
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Welcoming foreign tourists with intact financial services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

DAWINKS (CEO Andy Lee), a blockchain fintech platform operator, announced on January 18 that it has signed a strategic partnership agreement with Spectrum Ventures (CEO Won Woo Jeon), a global community platform company.

Spectrum Ventures is a global community platform company headquartered in the United States with a presence in South Korea. As to DAWINKS's current CTM/Crypto ATM, DTM/Digital ATM, QR Pay, NFT, DeFi service, and STO platform business in convenience stores, casinos, and hotel resorts, Spectrum Ventures decided to proceed with this project by providing global advertising and marketing solutions, developing and operating a platform incorporating AI and has acquired sales (sales) authority in connection with various global companies at home and abroad.

DAWINKS Logo,  Spectrum Ventures Logo

Andy Lee, CEO of DAWINKS, said, "This strategic partnership is significant. As an example of collaboration between an online/offline global community platform company and an ICT regulatory sandbox certified company, it is now possible to provide KIOSK (ATM) untact services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to foreign tourists visiting Korea with easy and convenient currency exchange and payment services. We have secured a great bridgehead to enter the global market in the future, including the United States, Japan, and Southeast Asia."

Won Woo Jeon, CEO of Spectrum Ventures, said, "DAWINKS's patented technology, untact KYC (identity verification) authentication technology that combines Korean ID cards and worldwide passport falsification detection and reading, and live facial recognition, is currently the world's best." He added, "In order to expand the DTM, CTM, and QR Pay solution overseas, Spectrum Ventures will conduct specialized advertising and marketing for DAWINKS through its know-how in operating a global online community platform and is in full-scale discussions with well-known hotel and resort franchises, casinos, cruise ships, and shopping malls overseas about the local expansion of the DTM, CTM, and QR Pay solution, and each company has shown considerable interest and enthusiasm."


The government declared 2023~2024 as the year of visiting Korea. It aims to achieve 30 million foreign tourists and 30 billion dollars in tourism income by 2027. It also set a target of 15 days of domestic travel and 50 billion dollars in domestic travel expenditure. It is expected to play a role in DAWINKS' untact innovative financial platform, DTM, CTM, and QR Pay solutions, which will provide convenience for currency exchange and payment during the tourist's stay.


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