Interview with Kevin: American Entrepreneur Shaping Culinary Experiences in Yeonnam-dong, Hongdae
Interview with Kevin: American Entrepreneur Shaping Culinary Experiences in Yeonnam-dong, Hongdae
  • 김현주 기자
    김현주 기자
  • 승인 2023.12.26 14:27
  • 댓글 0
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 In a candid conversation with Kevin, the co-founder of a burgeoning pizza and sandwich business in the vibrant neighborhood of Yeonnam-dong, near Hongdae, we delve into the journey, inspirations, and aspirations shaping their unique culinary venture.

Origins of the Business

Kevin, along with his friends Scott and Eric, embarked on this gastronomic journey about 12 years ago. United by their quest for authentic American food in Korea, they perfected their recipes for pizza dough and smoked deli meats. Their shared dream eventually blossomed into a business, deeply rooted in the community of Mapo-gu.

Choosing Sandwiches and Pizzas

With two partners hailing from New Jersey and one from California, their menu reflects their American heritage. Sandwiches and pizzas, emblematic of New Jersey's culinary scene, were chosen for their nostalgic value and universal appeal.

Incorporating Korean Flavors

While their dishes stay true to American flavors, they embrace local ingredients. Fresh meats and vegetables sourced from Mapo-based suppliers and seasonal specialties, like Namhae spinach, play a vital role in their menu.

Overcoming Challenges in a Foreign Land

Kevin acknowledges the challenges of starting a business abroad but credits the local community's support for their success. Navigating a different business culture without a vast network was tough, yet they thrived through community engagement and word-of-mouth.

Design and Atmosphere

Their establishment mirrors their journey – starting modestly and gradually evolving. Inspired by American local pizza places and neighborhood bars, it's a blend of comfort and nostalgia, evolving with personal touches from friends and customers.

Catering to a Diverse Clientele

Their staff's bilingual abilities facilitate catering to both local and international patrons. Kevin emphasizes creating a welcoming space for everyone, celebrating the diversity of their clientele.

Popular Menu Items
Specializing in East Coast pizzeria and bar food, their unique offerings include a central-Jersey bar pie pizza and New Jersey specialties like garlic knots and stromboli. Their pizzas stand out with a crispy crust and inventive toppings.

Ensuring Quality and Consistency

The team constantly works on balancing consistency with flavor. Their in-house preparation of ingredients, like smoked meats and sauces, is key to maintaining high standards.

Future Plans and Projects

Having expanded their menu and hosted special events, they continue to explore community collaborations and seasonal specials.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Kevin advises building a network of reliable partners, staff, and suppliers. Understanding the local community and finding the right location is crucial for success in South Korea's food and beverage industry.

 Kevin's story is a testament to the power of community, perseverance, and passion in the culinary world. Their establishment not only serves great food but also bridges cultures, creating a melting pot of flavors and experiences in Yeonnam-dong, Hongdae.


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  • 제호 : 파이낸스투데이
  • 서울시 서초구 서초동 사임당로 39
  • 등록번호 : 서울 아 00570 법인명 : (주)메이벅스 사업자등록번호 : 214-88-86677
  • 등록일 : 2008-05-01
  • 발행일 : 2008-05-01
  • 발행(편집)인 : 인세영
  • 청소년보호책임자 : 장인수
  • 본사긴급 연락처 : 02-583-8333 / 010-3797-3464
  • 법률고문: 유병두 변호사 (前 수원지검 안양지청장, 서울중앙지검 , 서울동부지검 부장검사)
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