IMMOPET Token (IMPT), Bubbly and Friends signed business agreements related to block-chain and NFT business.
IMMOPET Token (IMPT), Bubbly and Friends signed business agreements related to block-chain and NFT business.
  • lukas
  • 승인 2023.01.25 17:52
  • 댓글 0
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Amitos, the issuer of IMMOPET Token, announced on the 12th that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Bubbly and Friends (BnF LABS), an NFT that has recently attracted attention.

The two companies signed this agreement to jointly promote marketing and events and build an organic block-chain ecosystem for the development of their block-chain and NFT businesses and global competitiveness.

Under the agreement, IMMOPET Token (IMPT) will contribute to the revitalization of BnF by providing airdrop events to the Bubbly and Friends community, and BnF plans to provide airdrop events and various forms of publicity to the IMMOPET Token.

The two companies expect to issue very positive mutual cooperation effects through this agreement, and expect to secure new sales opportunities in various channels. In addition, the mutual security effect that will be issued in the process of sharing the services of both companies by IMPT and BnF users with various worldviews is evaluated to provide a new experience for IMPT and BnF NFT holders.

An official from Amitos emphasized, "Starting with this business agreement, we will expand the IMPT ecosystem through collaboration with various NFT projects and focus more on building a multi-metaverse using IMPT." and said “This collaboration with BnF will be the starting point for the creation of an ecosystem linked to NFTs and metaverse that IMPT intends to build.”


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