DaWinKS will establish a blockchain academy in Nicaragua.
DaWinKS will establish a blockchain academy in Nicaragua.
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2022.02.22 15:40
  • 댓글 0
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DaWinKS (CEO: Jong-Myung Lee) will participate in the establishment of the blockchain academy at the request of LACENTRAL S. A. (CEO: Fernando Patiño Carrasco) of Nicaragua located in Latin America. This is the first case in Nicaragua in which a foreign company participated.

(Photo providing : DaWinKS)
(Photo providing : DaWinKS)

LACENTRAL is a strong fintech company that officially obtained a digital bank operation license from BCN/Banco Central de Nicaragua in September last year and is preparing to officially open it in September this year. LACENTRAL CEO Fernando recognized the need for blockchain education for local young people and requested the participation of professors who would teach Korea's excellent curriculum and lectures through partnership with DaWinKS. Accordingly, DaWin proposed participation of Sogang University's Intelligent Blockchain Research Center (Center Director: Soo-Yong Park) and signed a three-way business partnership agreement on the 11th.

A University Research Center and a company from Korea participated in the establishment of the first blockchain academy in Nicaragua.

Fernando, CEO of LACENTRAL said, “I ask for the participation of professional instructors to sign an agreement between Korea and Nicaragua universities and educate them in the form of online and face-to-face classes so that the Blockchain Academy can promote student exchange programs. I am confident that the Blockchain Technical Education Academy will provide new opportunities for young Nicaraguan people who want to learn this new technology. In addition, I am sure that the construction of a digital currency and crypto-asset specialized fintech platform (DPEC/Digital Payment Exchange Currency), which is currently being promoted with DaWin, and supply and operation of DTM/Digital ATM and QR Pay digital Pos systems are rapidly spreading throughout Latin America as well as Nicaragua.”

Professor Soo-Yong Park of Sogang University's Intelligent Blockchain Research Center said, " The blockchain technology has already spread throughout the industry. In this regard, many educational curriculam are in operation in Korea. Our school operates the center. The center tries to contribute to their development for non-profit purposes such as education for young Koreans and technology transfer for companies. The establishment of the Nicaragua Blockchain Academy, proposed by DaWinKS this time, coincided with the ideology pursued by our center, which made us decide to participate. I hope that Korea's excellent blockchain technology education will spread to young people in Nicaragua, which is still barren in this field, and expand to Latin America."

DaWinKS CEO Jong-Myung Lee said, "The collaboration with LACENTRAL, which has secured the first digital bank license in Nicaragua, is meaningful. I feel a great sense of responsibility. I would like to thank Sogang University’s Blockchain Research Center for deciding to participate in the establishment of the Blockchain Academy, which is another item to be ratified by the Nicaraguan government. We will do our best to serve as a bridge between the two countries and deliver good news soon."

Starting with the supply of Korea's excellent blockchain education and fintech technology to Nicaragua, the center of Latin America, we hope they would spread blockchain digital fintech to various parts of the world, which is a barren region of traditional finance.


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