DaWinKS establishes a ‘Blockchain Academy’ in Nicaragua.
DaWinKS establishes a ‘Blockchain Academy’ in Nicaragua.
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2022.01.18 00:01
  • 댓글 0
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DaWinKS Co., Ltd. (CEO Jong-Myung Lee), a company specializing in blockchain fintech, agreed with LACENTRAL S.A. (CEO: Fernando I. Patiño Carrasco)in Nicaragua, Central and South America to establish and operate the ‘Blockchain Academy’.

Nicaragua recognized the importance and scalability of blockchain technology and pushed for the establishment of academies on a large and small scale and asked CEO Jong-Myung Lee to establish a ‘Blockchain Academy’ and run under the government's sponsorship to transfer Korea's excellent education system to young Nicaraguans after recognizing that there are no experts in the field yet to carry out training while discussing with CEO Fernando of LACENTRAL S.A., which got Nicaragua’s first digital bank license in September last year.

CEO Fernando arranged a meeting between a high-ranking government official and Jong-Myung Lee, CEO of DaWinKS, and discussed the future implementation schedule. He said, "We look forward to fostering talents and creating related jobs by providing blockchain education to young people in this country through the operation of the academy. In addition, we ask for support for blockchain-based fintech financial services that people can feel in a short period of time."

In an interview at the request of the local state-run TV Canal 8 / CRONICA tn8 news channel and Mision Lunar of blockchain news company, CEO Jong-Myung Lee said, "I propose a sisterhood relationship between Korean universities and Nicaragua universities. We will actively promote the production of exchange students and international students between the two countries." In addition, stressed, "It is essential to establish a sound Crypto asset exchange for the development of the blockchain. We will transfer related technologies and operating know-how through Korea's advanced exchange operation platform."

Photo: An interview with Nicaragua's national broadcaster TV news / He explains the plan for establishing a blockchain academy. [Courtesy of DaWinKS]

LACENTRAL S.A.'s CEO Fernando is a former deputy manager of Albany S.A., Nicaragua's Financial Supervisory Service, and is a financial expert with a high understanding of Nicaraguan finance. After two years of efforts to obtain a digital financial license after retirement, he asked DaWinKS CEO Jong-Myung Lee, who had served as an advisor to blockchain fintech, and LACENTRAL S.A.'s CTO/Chief Technology Officer to participate in technology investment at the same time. DaWin decided to supply the ‘DP/DPEC Platform’ solution for operating its digital ATM/DTM (Digital autoTeller Machine) and QR Pay system with the signing of the technology investment contract between the two companies. In addition, it decided to actively participate in the role of attracting foreign capital investment for the OPEN of Nicaragua's first Digital bank and Cryptocurrency Exchange.

LACENTRAL S.A. is the first fintech company to obtain a digital bank license from the Nicaraguan government in September last year and is officially registered with the Central Bank (BCN/Banco Central de Nicaragua). After conducting a pilot operation of DTM and QR Pay in May, it is aiming for a digital bank GRAND OPEN in September.


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