Was it a drug concert? Expansion of investigation into US frenzy crushing eight people
Was it a drug concert? Expansion of investigation into US frenzy crushing eight people
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.11.08 09:22
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At a concert hosted by American hip-hop star Travis Scott, at least eight people were crushed to death, and authorities expanded the investigation with the possibility of drug crimes in mind.

According to Fox News and Reuters on the 7th (local time), US investigative authorities have dispatched homicide and drug crime investigators, saying that it is possible that someone in the concert may have injected drugs into another person.

The crushing accident occurred in Houston, Texas on the 5th. 50,000 fans attended Scott's concert, 'Astro World Music Festival', and excited audiences rushed to the stage at once, crushing 8 people and injuring hundreds.

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said an investigation was launched into a murder and drug crime, as there were reports of someone in the audience injecting drugs into others.

According to the police, a security guard at the concert hall at the time of the accident, while controlling the scene, fell unconscious after feeling a tingling in his neck, and several spectators suffered similar situations. They were given first aid with an antidote from narcotics and regained consciousness.'

Houston investigators made 25 arrests at the scene of the accident, including marijuana possession, drug addiction and trespassing.

More than 300 people were treated on the spot for drug overdose and injuries.

The identities of some of the people who died in the crushing accident are also being revealed.

Seven of the eight deaths, including 14-year-old and 16-year-old Houston high school students and 21-year-old college students, were in their teens and 20s. The identity of the other one has not yet been confirmed.

Harris County's elected executive officer, Lena Hidalgo, who oversees Houston, called for an objective and independent investigation into the massacre.

She said later this month that her concert safety plans were unfaithful or that they would not have been followed if they had been, she said. "Victims and their families deserve answers," she said.

The police also launched an investigation into whether the concert organizers were complying with safety regulations.

In a video statement posted on Twitter, Scott bowed his head, saying, "I was not aware of the seriousness of the situation at the time of the concert."


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