American travel sentiment recovers 48% "I plan to go abroad within 6 months"
American travel sentiment recovers 48% "I plan to go abroad within 6 months"
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.27 11:17
  • 댓글 0
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Nearly half of U.S. consumers plan to travel abroad in the next six months, a new study found.

The Conference Board, a non-profit economic research firm, released the October survey results on the 26th (local time), according to Reuters.

According to the survey, 48% of respondents said they plan to go on vacation abroad within the next six months.

This is the highest rate since February 2020, when the impact of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) hit the U.S. economy.

This recovery in travel sentiment is interpreted as the decrease in the number of confirmed cases in the United States and the sooner or later the lockdown on the prevention of COVID-19 will be eased.

"This is the highest level in the past year and a half, when daily life was under control due to COVID-19," Reuters reported. .

"The results of this survey show that consumer demand for travel and face-to-face services continues to recover," said a conference board official.

In particular, 35% of respondents planning to travel abroad said that they would travel by car.

This is the fourth highest figure since the Conference Board began investigating vacation plans in 1978, and it appears to be due to expectations that the border wall between Mexico and Canada, which borders the United States, will be lowered.

On the other hand, only 20% of those who said they would use an airplane when traveling abroad stood at the lowest level since February.

In fact, according to the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA), the number of passengers using the airport in the previous weekend was 5.8 million, more than double that of a year ago, but only 85% compared to 2019, before Corona 19, Reuters explained.


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