Europe's new car sales plummet due to a shortage of semiconductors... Lowest sales in 26 years last month
Europe's new car sales plummet due to a shortage of semiconductors... Lowest sales in 26 years last month
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.15 17:11
  • 댓글 0
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AFP reported on the 15th that the number of new car sales in Europe fell to the lowest level since 1995 due to the shortage of semiconductors for vehicles.

According to the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), only 718,598 new cars were sold in Europe last month. This is a decrease of 23.1% compared to the same month last year.'

ACEA issued a statement and explained, "This decrease in sales is due to a shortage of vehicle supply due to the continued supply and demand shortage of semiconductors."

In Germany, Europe's largest economy, new car sales fell by about 25% last month compared to the same period a year ago, while France's fell 20.5%. Italy fell 32.7% and Spain 15.7%, respectively.

Global automakers are experiencing disruptions in their production due to a supply shortage of semiconductors for vehicles after the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) crisis.

Some manufacturers have temporarily halted factory operations due to a lack of semiconductor supply.'


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