Force primary actions of the people?Where do you try it. "
Force primary actions of the people?Where do you try it. "
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.08 14:52
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Civic groups, "I'll take this opportunity to find out who's in the party first".

It is shocking that the people's strength has entrusted the semifinal cutoff primary vote to the National Election Commission, which determines candidates for the presidential election.

Despite concerns from party members, the fact that the National Election Commission eventually pushed ahead with the vote to cut the semifinals of the People's Power presidential election is expected to return to a major backlash in the future. 

This is because the National Election Commission has already become a party to 120 lawsuits (defendants) in the last April 15 general election, and there are problems such as the lack of trust among the people's powerful party members. In particular, some say that entrusting the primary to the Central Election Commission itself is absurd, as the Central Election Commission has pointed out that it is the main culprit who participated in the illegal election.  

Currently, Hong Jun-pyo, the power of the people, will fight for first and second place, showing Hwang Kyo, Won Hee-ryong, and Choi Jae-hyung fighting.

The recent trend in communities large and online polls, Yoo Seung-min's third with classified as the fourth in the analysis will rise for hwanggyoan is dominant. 

There are many opinions that it is incomprehensible that the Central Election Commission, centered on the right-wing community, which is a party (defendant) to file fraudulent elections in the 4.15 general election, entrusts and manages the party's primary.

Candidate Hwang Kyo-ahn, who is calling for finding out the truth of the fraudulent election, is likely to be disadvantaged.  However, some say that Hwang Kyo-ahn will not be able to manipulate it easily because he is strongly criticizing the anti-fraud election and the Central Election Commission. 

Centering on the right-wing community, there are concerns that "if corruption occurs in the party's primary, the entire political community will be hit hard as the presidential election itself enters a fraudulent election state." 

1. It's an within-party primary, but only 30% of the party members' votes are reflected? 

The method of the party's primary election itself is also a problem.  This is because 70% of the public opinion polls (random surveys targeting the general public) are reflected. Only 30% of the party members' votes are reflected.  

In the vote to determine the party's presidential candidate, the problem is that 70% of public opinion polls, not party members, are reflected. 

The power of the people increased the proportion of public opinion polls in the party's election earlier this year, and there was controversy that Lee Joon-seok, not the party's representative, was elected as the party's representative. 

2. If you manipulate it this time, you will get caught. 

Citizens' organizations, including the National Investment Corporation, are paying keen attention to the people's vote to cut the semifinals of the presidential election. 

If any signs of injustice are detected even at the tip of the fur, the government plans to file a complaint or accusation unconditionally. In particular, the government intends to hold the members of the National Election Commission responsible until the end. 

The policy calls for thorough post-verification of mobile voting and ARS, as well as thorough post-verification of the National Election Commission, which conducts general public opinion surveys.  

Former lawmaker Min Kyung-wook, the Fair Election Monitoring Group, Miracle Wave, Clean Election Monitoring Committee, civic groups, Ga Se-yeon, New Town TV, Gong Byeong-ho TV, Mungap-sik TV, Son Sang-dae TV, Shin Hansu TV, and Lee Bong-gyu TV have intentionally excluded Hwang Kyo-ahn from the party's primary. 

Lee Joon-seok, the representative of the people's power, is taking a commemorative photo with Chung Hong-won, chairman of the National Election Commission (former Prime Minister), at the first meeting and ceremony of the presidential candidate election committee held at the National Assembly on the 26th.

3. Fraudulent elections are possible if you want to. 

Gong Byung-ho TV broadcasted on the 6th a review of Vasilia (pseudonym) attending a briefing session on the cutoff vote for the semifinals of the People's Power presidential candidate.

According to Vasilia, "If the ARS vote is not properly promoted, the Central Election Commission hacked the top manager's ID and password by a third party or intentionally leaked it, it could be defenseless from election manipulation, and the data pool of public opinion polls."  

In particular, he said, "The biggest problem is that the three telecom companies provide 60,000 virtual phone numbers at a ratio of 5:3:2 each, and 3,000 of them are selected and surveyed," adding, "There is a possibility that the three telecom companies will give already contaminated data." 

In other words, it is possible to intentionally pick up a lot of phone numbers that have a specific political tendency or support a specific candidate. 

4. The fact that there are many candidates who were a prosecutor?  

Currently, there are many candidates who used to be prosecutors and judges in the presidential race. Yoon Suk Yeol, Won Hee-ryong, Hong Joon-pyo, Won Hee-ryong, inspection, and choejaeyeong from judges. 

Concerns are also raised that the power of the people may disappear as the party itself is completely destroyed on a day when any election fraud is revealed in the semifinals. 

In particular, candidate Hwang Kyo-ahn, who has already pointed out the Central Election Commission as the main culprit of the April 15 general election, even has a fraudulent election monitoring center, so even if someone intends to manipulate it, there is a possibility that he cannot manipulate the election hastily. 

5. Any other concerns?

There are voices centered on conservatives, saying, "Although leading candidates are aware of the possibility of fraudulent elections, they have no choice but to give the answer that the National Election Commission wants." 

On TV, Lee Bong-gyu said, "The current system has a structural problem in which politicians have no choice but to be wary of the Central Election Commission," adding, "We are very concerned that the power of the people has entrusted the party's primary to the Central Election Commission."  

Bacillus said on Gong Byung-ho TV that in the case of mobile voting, the process of re-verifying when there is a problem later is too simple, so in the end, it is meaningless to verify the count of mobile voting. He said, "There is a function called 'voting confirmation card' to check who I took it to later after voting on mobile, and the power of the people did not apply for this function."

After all, verification of mobile voting is virtually impossible. 

In the case of ARS, citizens are only allowed to answer incoming calls.This is a comparison with the case of the Democratic Party of Korea, where citizens could have called, as it chose a company that was impossible to ARS on the side of the people's power.   

The Central Election Commission said it will not disclose the real-time turnout of the presidential candidate's semifinal cutoff vote, which is commissioned by the people's power. 

Referring to the possibility of cheating by the Central Election Commission, Dr. Gong Byung-ho and Vasilia said, "I don't understand why the Central Election Commission announces the results a day later," adding, "I wonder if they report the results in real time to the public or the next day."  

Citizens who said they were members of the People's Power Party, "Even if a public opinion poll proceeds on the same day with the same question, opposite results can come from the difference in each word of the question. "I can't believe the poll," he said adding, "Who would believe a poll in which Moon Jae In receives a 40% approval rating? Does it make sense to select a candidate for the party's president through such a manipulative poll? "I complained.

In this regard, Lee Joon-seok, leader of the People's Power Party, Kim Ki-hyun, floor leader, and Jeong Hong-won, chairman of the National Election Commission, have already been criticized by party members, and if any abnormal circumstances are revealed in the party's race entrusted by the Central Election Commission.  

Attention is focusing on who will advance to the semifinals of the power of the talkative and indifferent people.


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