Min Kyungwook, a big bow to the media. "Please report the truth about the election fraud".
Min Kyungwook, a big bow to the media. "Please report the truth about the election fraud".
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.08 14:38
  • 댓글 0
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Citizens, "The Korean media, whose sense of justice and resonance have disappeared, should reflect on themselves".

Min Kyung-wook, CEO of the Korea Investment Corp., who joined the company as a KBS reporter, went through the main anchor of the news at 9 p.m. on KBS, and served as a Blue House spokesman and a member of the National Assembly, bowed loudly in front of junior reporters. 

While being investigated at Seocho Police Station on charges of violating the Assembly Act on the morning of the 5th, CEO Min bowed to junior reporters who were gathered to cover him, saying, "I'll do anything, so please cover the election fraud." 

Most of the reporters gathered at Seocho Police Station on the same day reportedly appeared in front of Seocho Police Station to cover the fact that CEO Min was investigated on charges of leading the demonstration, not on the April 15 general election fraudulent election.

CEO Min told SNS, "Although it was to cover my appearance at the police station for investigation, I was so grateful that reporters from the mainstream media who were hard to meet came out there," adding, "I bowed down to treat it as an article because I would ask them to be interested in illegal elections." 

In fact, it has already been a national issue with more than 120 cases of fraudulent elections or lawsuits in the 4.15 general election, but media coverage has rarely been carried out. Some say that media companies, which should publicize and publicize the issue of fraudulent elections, are desperately turning a blind eye to coverage and even driving the suspicion itself into conspiracy theories to prevent the spread of the issue. 

Recently, not only Representative Min but also Hwang Kyo-ahn, a preliminary candidate for Presidential Power, participated in the investigation of the facts of the illegal election. It is very unusual for the media to not deal with these national issues at a time when everyone who knows now is demanding the truth of allegations of fraudulent elections. 

Multiple media workers agreed, "CEO Min Kyung-wook bowing to reporters, asking for 'please cover' is a shameful aspect of the Korean media, where all journalists in Korea have to reciprocate and reflect on the truth dozens of times."


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