[Video] A warning message to the government forcing high school seniors to pass vaccines.
[Video] A warning message to the government forcing high school seniors to pass vaccines.
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.06 15:26
  • 댓글 1
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A senior high school student in South Korea issued a warning to the government and disease authorities trying to introduce vaccine passports excessively. 

High school senior Yang Dae-rim said in her video message, "If a vaccine pass is introduced in the form of disadvantages to those who are not vaccinated against COVID-19, I strongly warn President Moon Jae In, the government, and the ruling party that they will immediately engage in legal battles such as constitutional complaints." 

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Ministry of Education recently semi-forced COVID-19 vaccine for high school seniors, and finally recommended vaccinations for children under the age of 12 in high school. 

In addition, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a press release on the 4th, openly recommending vaccinations for pregnant women, and was embroiled in strong criticism from citizens, saying, "Why do you force pregnant women who do not take cold medicine?"

After vaccination for high school seniors, the Ministry of Education and the KDCA also said they were not managing separate side effects statistics for high school seniors. In the meantime, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended additional vaccines to those aged 12 to 17 and forced pregnant women to do so, raising suspicions that "the policy-making system within the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collapsed."  It cannot be seen as a normal decision-making. 

Self-employed people, students, parents, and multi-use facilities, which have suffered tremendously from the misjudgment of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are expected to be stimulated as even high school seniors have criticized the government's unscientific quarantine policy.  

Meanwhile, Yang Dae-rim, a high school senior who delivered a video message, was known as the 635th "9-year-old medical prodigy" of SBS's "Oh my God," which aired on March 24, 2011, and hundreds of comments in his video seem to praise Yang Dae-rim's courage.


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