"Does the coronavirus vaccine contain graphene oxide?"
"Does the coronavirus vaccine contain graphene oxide?"
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.06 15:10
  • 댓글 0
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Reuters' fact check, ridicule,
Graphite powder, which is the raw material of graphene oxide.

Recently, the government has been persistently forcing vaccinations, and suspicions have arisen that graphene is contained in the contents of the vaccine, sparking controversy.  

Graphite, which is used in pencil cores and familiar to us, is a structure in which planes arranged like honeycomb-shaped hexagonal nets are stacked in layers, and a layer of graphite is called graphene. Graphene has very high physical and chemical stability with a thickness of 0.2 nm. 

Graphene is more than 100 times more electric than copper, and the mobility of electrons is 100 times faster than silicon, which is mainly used as a semiconductor. The strength is more than 200 times stronger than steel, and it is more than twice as high as diamond, which boasts the best thermal conductivity. In addition, since most of the light passes through it, it is transparent and has excellent elasticity.

The problem is that amid a lot of side effects in vaccinated people recently, there are suspicions that this graphene is in the vaccine and is involved in the formation of blood clots. 

In particular, with the ingredients not transparently disclosed, regardless of Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, or AstraZeneca, the presence or absence of (oxide) graphene, which is known to be harmful to the human body, is likely to escalate into legal litigation in the future. 


Meanwhile, mainstream media, including Reuters, grabbed that graphene oxide was not in the vaccine, but for a moment it turned into a mockery.  

Reuters ruled through a fact check that "Graphene oxide is not included in the COVID-19 vaccine in Pfizer," and the basis for the ruling was "because Pfizer said so."

Multiple medical workers said that graphene oxide is the main cause of blood clots when it enters the body, and that there are still likes and dislikes about including graphene as a medicine. (Continues)


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