Australia permits entry of skilled migrants and international students... Tourists 'envoy' until next year
Australia permits entry of skilled migrants and international students... Tourists 'envoy' until next year
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.06 09:13
  • 댓글 0
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Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on the broadcast that "skilled migrants and international students, which are vital for Australia's development, will be able to enter Australia.

Prime Minister Morrison also announced that 80% of the population aged 16 and over will be vaccinated against the new coronavirus (COVID-19) to reach the threshold of opening borders.

He said last week that citizens or permanent residents who were vaccinated will be allowed to leave the country for the first time from November.

Australia, which has strictly controlled entry and exit to prevent the spread of COVID-19 since March, is easing entry restrictions for skilled migrants and international students following its own nationals as the rate of vaccination against COVID-19 increases.

The number of migrants entering Australia is at its lowest since World War II due to the coronavirus outbreak, the Associated Press reported.

As the number of foreign arrivals decreased, universities with a high proportion of foreign students took a financial hit.

As a result, there are concerns that if Australia does not allow international students to enter early, they will be taken away by other countries.

The Australian Tourism Industry Commission is urging tourists to enter the country to recover tourism revenues worth $33 billion a year before the outbreak.

Meanwhile, Australia is encouraging vaccination as the delta mutation spreads, and Victoria, Australia's second largest city, recorded 1,763 new cases on the 5th, surpassing the previous 1,599 in New South Wales.


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