France's massive anti-vaccine passport rally, "Stop the COVID-19 scam."
France's massive anti-vaccine passport rally, "Stop the COVID-19 scam."
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.01 16:27
  • 댓글 0
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Protests against French vaccine passport / Image = Photographer Mok Su-jeong's Facebook capture

Anti-corona vaccine rallies are taking place around the world. 

Amid tensions, local quarantine authorities have recently hinted at implementing discriminatory policies for those who have not been vaccinated, citizens are already calling for opposition to vaccine passports in major European countries and cities in the United States, including France and the United Kingdom. 

The following is an excerpt from the Facebook page of writer Carpenter Jung, who vividly conveys local news in France. 

Protests against French vaccine passport / Image = Photographer Mok Su-jeong's Facebook capture

French health pass rallies become fiercer and fiercer as the session goes on.

The media is increasingly reckless with bold lies (media who came to gather more than 3.9 million from 300 cities across the country is deceiving 120,000 people, and the rally is weakening gradually). Power now projects clubs and tear gas to citizens without hesitation. In some areas, plain clothes police broke into protesters and suddenly caused a scuffle.

The song most often sung at rallies is the song from the yellow vest exercise.

"On est là. On est là. Même si Macron ne le veut pas nous On est là. Pour l'honneur des travailleurs, Pour un monde meilleur, même si Macron ne le veut pas nous on est là

"We're here." We're here. Even if Macron doesn't want to, we're here. For the honor of the workers. For a better world. "We're here".

It is the song sung by protesters marching. Through this song, the reason for citizens' resistance becomes clearer. Health passes are a means of controlling citizens under the pretext of quarantine, and citizens' struggles are an irreversible battle to protect their natural rights and go one step further to the world where everyone is their owners.

The yellow vest and anti-health pass struggle captured the perfect point of solidarity. 

(This is the excerpt from the post on Sep. 13 on the Facebook page of the writer, Carpenter Jung)

Meanwhile, numerous medical experts around the world have already published claims through various channels that "there is no reason to have the same fear as now because the fatality rate of COVID-19 is not high," but global media cartels and big tech (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are blocking their voices.

The Korean people, who had followed the quarantine authorities' instructions, seem to be gradually agitated when the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently hinted at the introduction of vaccine passports. 

Some said, "Stop the COVID-19 fraud!" COVID-19 Vaccine Stop the public fraud immediately! There is also a voice like this.


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