The power of the people. Thousands of party members. "We can't leave it to the Central Election Commission in the party's primary election."
The power of the people. Thousands of party members. "We can't leave it to the Central Election Commission in the party's primary election."
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.01 13:21
  • 댓글 0
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Attorneys Do Tae-woo and 2,000 members of the People's Power Party apply for a provisional injunction to ban the en banc consignment management of the presidential election.

Thousands of members of the People's Power Party have made it clear that "the party's internal primary to elect the party's presidential candidate should not be entrusted to an unreliable Central Election Commission." 

On the 28th, Do Tae-woo, a lawyer at the National Investment Service, said, "On behalf of about 2,000 members of the People's Power Party, the Seoul Southern District Court filed an injunction against the Central Election Commission and the people to stop managing presidential candidates."

Lawyer Do Taewoo.

In a TV debate on presidential candidates for the People's Power, candidate Hwang Kyo-ahn revealed that "in May, we entrusted the election of the party leader and the Supreme Council to the Central Election Commission.

In addition, he urged the People's Power Party to directly manage the primary voting, saying, "It makes no sense to entrust the primary of the People's Power Party to the main culprit of the April 15 general election." Other candidates who attended the debate also agreed with Hwang's opinion that the party's internal primary should not be left to the Central Election Commission.

This is the second time that members of the People's Power Party have raised the issue of the primary election.

It has been controversial by criticizing the pledges of certain candidates and expressing personal opinions, saying it is an unscientific and magical language for party leader Lee Joon-seok's "unfair election."

In response, on the 20th, members of the People's Power Responsible Party issued a statement demanding the election committee's position on party leader Lee Joon-seok and a public apology from the party leader, but there was no expression of position.



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  • 등록일 : 2008-05-01
  • 발행일 : 2008-05-01
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