[Truth of the fraudulent election] JTBC lost to the Media Arbitration Committee.
[Truth of the fraudulent election] JTBC lost to the Media Arbitration Committee.
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.01 13:01
  • 댓글 0
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CEO Min Kyungwook, a blow to the mainstream media that he knew of in the election fraud.
The judgment of the Press Arbitration Committee acknowledging JTBC's false reports.
The judgment of the Press Arbitration Committee acknowledging JTBC's false reports.

Mainstream media, which had intentionally blocked allegations of fraudulent elections from becoming public, have been withdrawn. 

Former lawmaker Min Kyung-wook said on his YouTube channel and SNS on the 30th, "The Media Arbitration Committee ruled on JTBC for correction and counterargument reports." 

Referring to Hwang Kyo-ahn's primary strategy on July 27, JTBC falsely reported, "The fraudulent election has already been ruled free of charges by the judiciary." 

In this regard, former lawmaker Min Kyung-wook filed a complaint with the Press Arbitration Committee on charges of false reports on JTBC, and the Press Arbitration Committee ruled in favor of former lawmaker Min Kyung-wook.

Regarding the controversial election invalidation lawsuit in Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, the Media Arbitration Committee ruled that JTBC should report corrections and objections, saying, "We have only recounted by the judiciary, and the invalidation lawsuit has not been ruled." 

This will make it impossible for the mainstream media to deceive the people by mocking the suspicion of fraudulent elections itself or spreading fake news that suspicions of fraudulent elections have already been resolved by judgment.

Former lawmaker Min delivered the decision of the Press Arbitration Committee that day and stressed, "Based on this decision, we will firmly deal with the numerous fake news that has been released so far."

This is interpreted as saying that any media company will file a complaint with the Press Arbitration Committee or judicial institution to hold civil or criminal responsibility if it disparages allegations of fraudulent elections into conspiracy theory or drives them to disobedience.

Due to the decision of the Press Arbitration Committee, JTBC must publish a correctional drawing for 15 seconds in front of the broadcasting sledge and post the contents on its website.

"Today's decision will have a great impact on future media reports," former lawmaker Min said adding, "I would like to express my gratitude to patriotic citizens who have worked hard to dig into fraudulent elections."

Meanwhile, today's media arbitration committee's decision sounded alarm in mainstream Korean media, which had been writing false news, as if the Supreme Court's ruling concluded, including the Hankook Ilbo, Herald Economy, Nocut News, Dong-A Ilbo, and YTN, and could lead to civil and criminal lawsuits against them in the future. 

In addition, he appeared as an interviewer in the people's power TV debate and said, "The ruling has already been made on the fraudulent election," or "You don't trust the Supreme Court and the NEC?" Jin Joong-kwon and Kim Joon-il, who spread false information along with absurd remarks such as ", are also expected to be involved in a legal lawsuit.  



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