Lee Junseok "Hwacheon Daeyu 5 billion Promise Club"..."I saw the list of 4 including Lee".
Lee Junseok "Hwacheon Daeyu 5 billion Promise Club"..."I saw the list of 4 including Lee".
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.30 13:39
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Lee Joon-seok, CEO of the People's Power, said on the 30th of Hwacheon Daeyu's so-called "5 billion won Promise Club," "The contents of the private information magazine I saw included four people."

Representative Lee held an emergency press conference at the Yeouido National Assembly earlier in the day and said, "There were also figures mentioned among legal figures, those who were close to the Democratic Party, and those who were close to Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung."

CEO Lee's remarks are suspected of having political officials promised to receive 5 billion won from Hwacheon Daeyu, just like Kwak Sang-do's son Byung-chae.

Regarding the list of four people, he explained, "First of all, it was true that Kwak had a name, and the amount did not seem to fit the content reported in the media."

"It is inappropriate to name their names because information has not yet been confirmed," he said. "In order to verify such a list, we need to conduct an independent prosecution as soon as possible."

He added, "The floor leader Yoon Ho-jung of the Democratic Party of Korea said as if there were more people's power figures, but if floor leader Yoon has a different version of the list from what I saw, please release it as soon as possible."

CEO Lee directly hit Governor Lee, saying, "After tearing off the mask of Governor Lee, who is playing king, I can see Byun Hak-do," adding, "It is an abnormal world for Byeon Hak-do to become king."

Regarding former Supreme Court Justice Kwon Soon-il, who is known to have provided legal principles for Governor Lee's acquittal and served as an advisor to Hwacheon Daeyu, he mentioned, "Didn't you provide a "one-point" logic exclusively for Lee Jae-myung?"

In addition, he added, "The same law has not been applied to the recent police investigation into Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon of the Uri Party," adding, "The only beneficiary of the one-point law is Governor Lee."

    Regarding the transcript submitted to the prosecution by Jeong Young-hak, who is known to have participated in the design of the Daejang-dong development project, CEO Lee said, "There have been several reports from the party's special committee, but I understand it is broad."

    He said, "Wouldn't we be able to check additional facts only when we confirm who the subjects of the conversation (which appear in the transcript) are as soon as possible?"


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