[Special episode] Join the Fn Today 10,000 Regular Sponsorship Project.
[Special episode] Join the Fn Today 10,000 Regular Sponsorship Project.
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.30 13:34
  • 댓글 0
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Let's make Fn Today a 'mainstream media'.
If we were the mainstream, allegations of fraudulent elections, coronavirus (vaccine), China Gate, pro-China politicians, the Han River incident, Ferry Sewol suspicion, tablets, and mad cow disease manipulation would have been publicized earlier.

Now, the media in Korea do not report the truth.

Despite the clear evidence of fraudulent elections through recounts, it can be seen that all media companies form cartels and desperately turn a blind eye to issues related to fraudulent elections.

It can be seen from the fact that media outlets are not able to criticize the government that is weaving, injecting Corona fear into the people, making them nervous, and conducting political quarantine. 

Even when there were calls for finding out the truth about the death of Son Jung-min on the Han River, the Korean media shut up at once.

The Korean media is holding their breath even though the government has given too much real estate preferential treatment to the Chinese, and the Korean people are being reversely discriminated against. 

Rather, the Korean media is steadily publishing news that promotes social division and dismantles families. 

It regularly publishes terrible news with the aim of causing gender conflict, regional conflict, generational conflict, and separating parents and children.

Despite side effects, quarantine authorities vaccinate teenagers.

Currently, the Korean media does not care for the country.  

There is nowhere else for the media to stand in the public's shoes, report only the truth, and not close to injustice. 

The reason why Korea became like a lamp in front of the wind is because media companies did not play a proper role. It even deceives the people.

The trusted Cho Jung-dong also does not represent patriotic citizens and free democratic people.   

Currently, all Korean media seem not interested in protecting liberal democracy against socialism, totalitarianism, and communist forces.

They are even turning a blind eye to the truth and creating cartels among themselves to deceive the people.  

Basically, there is a lack of compassion and love for humans.  

Fn Today has patriotism. 

Fn Today is the media company that dealt with allegations of fraudulent elections in the most in-depth from the beginning. It is a media company that has tried to dig into the world's leading illegal election cartels.

Fn Today covers global forces trying to use COVID-19 politically and has criticized unscientific quarantine policies (social distancing, mask policies, statistical inconsistencies). 

In the case of the death of Son Jeong-min on the Han River, he criticized the unfair behavior of public power ignoring the truth until the end.

Fn Today is the only media company that has spoken out about the Chinese Communist Party spy and public opinion manipulation forces (China Gate) that have entered Korea and hurt the national interest.   

All of these activities were basically because of the love for the country.

When I see the elderly wearing the Korean flag, I cry, when I see them in their 40s and 50s who lived side by side in competition, and when I see them in their 20s and 30s who can't enjoy anything, I feel bad, and I'm sorry to see children and teenagers wearing masks. 

Fn Today will surpass the global media cartel.

Now, Fn Today is silently enduring external checks and suppression.

Naver suddenly cut off its news partnership with Fn Today and tried to hurt Fn Today's management, but the number of subscribers increased. 

TBS Transportation Broadcasting (Kim Eo-joon's News Factory), operated by Seoul City's taxes, tried to sue us and gag the mouth of Fn Today, which criticized them, but we are preparing for stronger legal action with an immediate appeal.  

The Communist Party of China has filed a criminal suit on Fn Today, but we have prepared stronger revelations as we respond appropriately. It could be revealed who is linked to the Chinese Communist Party in the ruling and opposition parties of the Republic of Korea.   

Some left-wing media are paying close attention to Fn Today's articles and overusing excessive sniper articles, which directly call the left-wing media to protest strongly and demand the prevention of recurrence. 

The reason why Fn Today can endure this and that external pressure and move forward without a break is because of its love for the country. And because we have compassion and affection for mankind. 

Please be a regular sponsor of Fn Today. 

So far, Fn Today has been a small newspaper company, but now it is about to become a big and powerful mainstream media. 

We will quickly grow into a mainstream media based on your sponsorship and play a real role in the real media that the existing mainstream media, which is only vain, are not doing.

We will hire more proper reporters to increase article content, reinforce the global network, and deliver foreign media quickly.

We will become a trendy mainstream medium that encompasses all talented YouTubers and co-exists with one-person media. If necessary, we will take over cable TV and IPTV.

If we have 10,000 regular sponsors, there's nothing we can't do.  

Above all, we will become a mainstream media that delivers only the truth and find the right of the Korean people to know. 

Many people who believe in the sincerity of Fn Today are already participating in the great project to save the sinking Republic of Korea. 

Everyone, please join us now.

If we don't lose courage and fight without fear, we win. 

Thank you. 


September 30, 2021. In Seyoung, the publisher of Fn Today.


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  • 제호 : 파이낸스투데이
  • 서울시 서초구 서초동 사임당로 39
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  • 등록일 : 2008-05-01
  • 발행일 : 2008-05-01
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