UK, suffering from energy crisis, likely to support next-generation small nuclear power plants
UK, suffering from energy crisis, likely to support next-generation small nuclear power plants
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.27 21:11
  • 댓글 0
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The Times reported on the 26th (local time) that the UK is turning its attention to nuclear power plants in order to solve the energy crisis such as a surge in gas prices and achieve the goal of carbon neutrality (net zero).

According to The Times, Business Minister Kwaji Khaltung is expected to approve Rolls-Royce's small modular nuclear reactor (SMR) project support.

The Rolls-Royce consortium has secured an investment of 210 million pounds (339 billion won) and is requesting a matching fund from the government, saying that building 16 mini-nuclear power plants in central England will create 4,000 jobs by 2050. .

The British Prime Minister's Office said that small nuclear power plants are needed to achieve the 2050 carbon-neutral target and ensure energy security.

The Ministry of Finance has also concluded that more nuclear power plants are needed.

In the meantime, the Ministry of Finance has been negative about new nuclear power plants due to rising costs related to the construction of nuclear power plants.

However, Finance Minister Rishi Sunak said at an energy crisis meeting on the 24th that he believes that nuclear power should play a more important role in the UK's future energy policy and cannot rely on wind and solar power.

Energy experts said in the Prime Minister's report that at least six large nuclear reactors and 20 small nuclear power plants are needed, and ministers are positive.

A senior government official said the need for nuclear power has emerged as the recent increase in international gas prices and the decrease in wind power generation due to the unusually calm winds in the North Sea overlap.

The UK's seven nuclear power plants account for 17% of the country's electricity demand, but it will drop to half by 2024.

The Times reported on the 24th that Britain and Westinghouse were discussing building a new nuclear power plant on the Isle of Anglesey, Wales.

The new nuclear power plant is targeted for operation in the mid-2030s, and the power generation capacity is enough to supply power to about 6 million households.

Prior to this, Japan's Hitachi Corporation tried to build two nuclear power plants through 'Horizon Nuclear Power', a British nuclear power plant that it acquired in 2012, but raised its hand due to increased project costs.


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