Mersk is trying to appease China again? "Digital Leading Countries...""Increase investment".
Mersk is trying to appease China again? "Digital Leading Countries...""Increase investment".
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.27 14:07
  • 댓글 0
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CNBC and Bloomberg News reported on the 26th (local time) that Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, a U.S. electric vehicle company, expressed his intention to continue expanding investment in China, calling China a leading country in global digitalization.

According to this, Musk made the announcement through a pre-recorded video message at the "World Internet Conference" (WIC) held in Wuzhen, Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province, China.

"My honest observation is that China is becoming a leading country in digitalization, putting a lot of resources and effort into applying the latest digital technology to various industries, including automobiles," he said.

Tesla will continue to expand investment and R&D in China, he added.

Earlier this month, Musk said in a video message of the World New Energy Vehicle Congress held in Hainan, "I have a lot of respect for Chinese automakers' EV efforts," adding that Chinese automakers are the most competitive in the world.

In a related development, CNBC said Musk's praise for China is the second time this month alone, and evaluated it as attempting to improve public opinion after a series of negative reports on Tesla in China.

At the Shanghai Motor Show in April, a Chinese Tesla car owner staged a surprise protest claiming that the accident was caused by a car brake abnormality, and it was also reported in May that Tesla car parking was banned in Chinese government buildings due to security concerns caused by car cameras.

Regarding data security concerns, Musk said, "We have established a data center in China to limit all data produced in China, including vehicle production, sales, services, and charging," stressing, "All personal information will be stored in China without overseas transfer."


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