Min Kyungwook, "Ha Taekyung, if you want to deny the election, call a lawmaker".
Min Kyungwook, "Ha Taekyung, if you want to deny the election, call a lawmaker".
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.27 14:12
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When Ha Tae-kyung, a candidate for the presidential election, shot candidates Yoon Seok-yeol and Choi Jae-hyung at a forum that seemed to agree with the "realization of illegal elections," Min Kyung-wook, a former member of the United Future Party (currently the people's power), criticized, saying, "Ha Tae-kyung will skip the post."

Rep. Ha said at the second broadcast debate of the 20th presidential election held on the 23rd, "Party playing with conspiracy theory in illegal elections will inevitably fail to change the government," and "It is not qualified to be a leader when candidate Yoon Seok-yeol agrees with this conspiracy theory." They responded extremely sensitively to the "4.15 allegations of fraudulent elections," such as "I am ashamed of the Uri Party being caught up."

Candidate Ha also said to former auditor Choi Jae-hyung, "There is no evidence fabricated in the Supreme Court." "What remains of the ruling now is whether it is a valid vote or not," he continued to take a negative stance.

The problem is that candidate Ha misunderstands that the Supreme Court's ruling has already been made in connection with allegations of fraudulent elections.

Candidate Ha is attacking other candidates on the premise that "the suspicion of illegal elections was ruled groundless by the Supreme Court," but in reality, no Supreme Court judge has ruled in a lawsuit for invalidation of the 4.15 general election.

Representative Min Kyung-wook of the National Investment Corporation immediately criticized Ha's position.

After the debate, CEO Min said on his Facebook page, "Ha Tae-kyung said the Supreme Court concluded that there was no illegal election," adding, "The Supreme Court should answer." Did he rule that there was no election fraud?" He added, "Ha Tae-kyung is spreading false rumors."

Representative Min also said, "Ha Tae-kyung! I heard the Supreme Court ruled that there was no fraudulent election. If you bring the ruling, I'll leave you behind to find out the truth about the fraudulent election, he said. "You should bet on the position of a lawmaker, right? What do you think?" he pressured Ha.

Since then, CEO Min Kyung-wook has reportedly met candidate Ha Tae-kyung by chance at the National Assembly Hall and continued a battle related to illegal elections in person.

In interviews with various media, CEO Min said, "I ran into Ha at the Yeouido National Assembly building, and he told the Central Election Commission that he recognized all the allegations of illegal elections," and blamed Ha Tae-kyung, saying, "The Central Election Commission is the defendant."

In addition, CEO Min strongly criticized candidate Ha for lying that the entire illegal election was ruled by the Supreme Court and that discussions were meaningless anymore.

Citizens claim that candidate Ha Tae-kyung made it clear with the nuance that 'the Supreme Court ruled an illegal election' in the second TV debate of the People's Power presidential election broadcast across the country through TV Chosun.

In fact, in the video, candidate Ha Tae-kyung said at first that it was concluded by the Supreme Court ruling that it was not a fraudulent election, but when candidate Choi Jae-hyung asked, "Did the court decide?" it seems that the court reversed the decision.


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