lived in an atmospheric environment contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals also Fine dust and COVID-19 in these days.
lived in an atmospheric environment contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals also Fine dust and COVID-19 in these days.
  • 편집부
  • 승인 2022.03.30 16:51
  • 댓글 0
이 기사를 공유합니다

lived in an atmospheric environment contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals also Fine dust and COVID-19 in these days.
Many people suffer from dry and cracked skin.


Y&D Inter trade takes care of your skin and pores. And for tired skin and pores, whenever and wherever,
It's a fine spray type that can be used all over the body.
UV protection and wrinkle removal skin soothing and pore collection made with LST (cell activation method), a new strengthening the hair roots
We released a natural multi-use mist purple soothing facial.


According to person in charge, it is a new concept skin product brand created as a safe beneficial bacterium based on the new technology for LST cell activation.
We can't see it in detail on our bodies and skin, but good beneficial bacteria and enzymes is alive and moving, so beneficial bacteria and enzymes check the human skin.
It is said to increase good beneficial bacteria and enzymes by calming the skin and pores.

It contains natural beneficial bacteria and natural enzymes that are good for pores and skin, and is oily as a personalized all-in-one product.Dry, dry, troubled skin.
It responds to individual skin types without distinction and can be used with confidence, activates beneficial bacteria present in the skin, and calms harmful bacteria.
At the same time, it creates a protective barrier, enhances skin's autoimmunity, is excellent for UV protection, and even after using moisturizing cream.
When you feel the dryness of your skin pulling, spray lightly to maintain moisture.



It's also rich in soothing ingredients, so it's good to spray it when your skin is sensitive, and it nourishes your hair.
It strengthens hair roots and allows women to spray them freely before and after makeup, and there is no fear of removing makeup.
And unlike other mist products, it's not sticky and moisturizing after use.

People who live outside. People who work out. It is a natural multi-mist product that can be used by all generations regardless of gender or age.

It is said that users and Beauty influencer are amazed at how one product produces various effects...



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  • 제호 : 파이낸스투데이
  • 서울시 서초구 서초동 사임당로 39
  • 등록번호 : 서울 아 00570 법인명 : (주)메이벅스 사업자등록번호 : 214-88-86677
  • 등록일 : 2008-05-01
  • 발행일 : 2008-05-01
  • 발행(편집)인 : 인세영
  • 청소년보호책임자 : 장인수
  • 본사긴급 연락처 : 02-583-8333 / 010-3797-3464
  • 법률고문: 유병두 변호사 (前 수원지검 안양지청장, 서울중앙지검 , 서울동부지검 부장검사)
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