U.S. Transportation Secretary: Logistics turmoil will continue through 2022
U.S. Transportation Secretary: Logistics turmoil will continue through 2022
  • 편집국
  • 승인 2021.10.18 10:19
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US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has predicted that the worst logistics crisis will continue into next year.

Buttigieg appeared on CNN on the 17th (local time) and said, "Many of the difficulties we are experiencing this year will continue next year. said

"You have to look at both the supply side as well as the demand side, and demand is not a consideration," he said.

He said, "President Joe Biden's bill proposed $17 billion (about 20.11 trillion won) of budget only for ports. In order to respond to these long-term challenges, such long-term challenges must be addressed,” he said.

The Biden administration is struggling with supply chain disruptions, including the recent logistical disruption in the West Port.

Last week, President Biden convened representatives of major distribution and logistics companies such as Samsung, Walmart, FedEx, and Target, as well as the leaders of the port union and presided over a countermeasure meeting.

Currently, the US House of Representatives is pending a bill to deal with the infrastructure budget of $1.2 trillion (KRW 142.02 trillion) passed by the Senate.

The bill contains a large-scale investment plan for infrastructure such as roads, ports and airports.

The House of Representatives was originally planning to process the bill earlier this month, but conflicts within the Democratic Party over the social safety net budget plan have hampered even the infrastructure bill, making it difficult to handle the budget.

Meanwhile, Minister Buttigieg, who adopted twin children as a sexual minority in August, appeared on NBC and actively countered the criticisms surrounding his paid parental leave.

He targeted Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who criticized his vacation, saying, "If someone welcomes a new child into their home and goes out to care for them, it's not a vacation, it's work. It's fun, fantastic and satisfying. It's overflowing, but it's work," he said.


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