Former US envoy to North Korea: South Korea and Japan may decide to arm themselves with nuclear weapons if North Korea admits it possesses nuclear weapons
Former US envoy to North Korea: South Korea and Japan may decide to arm themselves with nuclear weapons if North Korea admits it possesses nuclear weapons
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.18 10:19
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Joseph Detrani, former US special envoy for North Korea at the State Department, ordered on the 17th (local time) that North Korea's possession of nuclear weapons could lead neighboring countries, including South Korea and Japan, to decide on their own nuclear weapons.

Former special envoy Ditrani said in an article on The Hill, an American political media outlet, that the death of Abdul Qadir Khan, who is called the 'father of Pakistan's nuclear development', is an appropriate opportunity to look back on how an individual can pass on nuclear technology to rogue states and terrorist organizations. said so.

Khan is revered as the hero who made Pakistan the first nuclear-armed Islamic state in his country, but in the West, including the United States, he is treated as a villain who sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Libya, and Iran.

"Libya gave up its nuclear weapons program in exchange for international recognition as a legitimate state and normalization of relations with the United States and Britain," said Detrani, a former special envoy for the United States who served as the deputy deputy deputy chief of the six-party talks. there," he said.

"North Korea has conducted six nuclear tests and continues to reprocess spent fuel rods to extract plutonium for nuclear weapons," he said.

"Although North Korea does not admit that it has a weapons-grade highly enriched uranium program, there is a Yongbyon uranium enrichment facility known to have thousands of centrifuges," he said. He pointed out that he is known to have attempted to obtain nuclear material from North Korea.

In fact, if North Korea is recognized as possessing nuclear weapons, other countries in the region, such as South Korea and Japan, may decide to possess their own nuclear weapons despite the US nuclear deterrence promise.

Similarly, Detrani's diagnosis is that if Iran continues to acquire nuclear weapons, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey may also pursue their own nuclear weapons.

"Especially if we want to ensure that East Asian and Middle Eastern countries do not pursue their own nuclear weapons programs, we need to ensure that Iran does not possess nuclear weapons and that North Korea fully and verifiably denuclearizes," said Detrani.

"It is logical to assume that terrorist groups such as al Qaeda continue to seek nuclear and chemical weapons to attack the United States and its allies," he said. argued that it should be

"The proliferation of nuclear weapons states and the possibility that fissile materials for the manufacture of nuclear weapons may be passed on to rogue states or terrorist organizations should be of the greatest concern to the United States and our allies," he said.


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