US confirms that US and Canadian ships passed through the Taiwan Strait last week
US confirms that US and Canadian ships passed through the Taiwan Strait last week
  • 김진선 기자
    김진선 기자
  • 승인 2021.10.18 10:19
  • 댓글 0
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Reuters reported on the 17th (local time) that the United States admitted last week that a U.S. warship, along with a Canadian warship, passed through the Taiwan Strait, located between China and Taiwan.

The U.S. military said on the same day that an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer and a Canadian Halifax-class frigate passed through the Taiwan Strait from the 14th to the 15th.

Earlier, Peking University think tank South China Sea Strategic Posture Detection Plan (SCSPI) posted on Weibo (Chinese Twitter) on the 15th that a US destroyer and a Canadian frigate were caught sailing from the south to the north of the Taiwan Strait.

 During the former Donald Trump administration, US ships conducted a “freedom of navigation” operation that crossed the Taiwan Strait once a month, and this trend has continued even after the Joe Biden administration took office this year.

Since this month, Chinese military aircraft have entered Taiwan's Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) several times, raising military tensions.

The U.S. military said the passage through the Taiwan Strait "shows the promise of the United States, its allies and partners to free and open Indo-Pacific waters."

China protested. China's People's Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command said in a statement that "the United States and Canada have conspired to cause provocation and trouble" and "seriously threaten the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."

"Taiwan is part of China's territory," he said.


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