[Vaccination gate] If you upload it on YouTube, it'll be deleted.
[Vaccination gate] If you upload it on YouTube, it'll be deleted.
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.10.06 15:17
  • 댓글 0
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Amid fierce criticism of forced vaccination and vaccination passports around the world, controversy is growing as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are illegally censoring Corona-related content.

YouTube unconditionally deletes videos that raise questions about coronavirus and vaccines. The channel has a strong tendency to warn and permanently kick it out. Facebook and Twitter are also deleted or blocked when posting about side effects of vaccines.

The problem is that these IT companies use their biased fact-checking as the basis for censorship. Even content that global medical personnel and executive levels of vaccine manufacturers express concern about the side effects of vaccines will be deleted unconditionally.

The above video is related to the side effects of vaccines currently circulating online. Currently, the above video is posted on Bimeo, not YouTube.

This paper is trying to figure out the specific cause of why this video will be deleted unconditionally if it is uploaded on YouTube.

Michael Yedon, chief scientist at Pfizer, warns of the risk of vaccines.

Already online, "I can't believe that YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are forcing them to think about COVID-19 and vaccinations, where various opinions can be made," adding, "It's practically a crime for the global platform to censor at will."


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