BTS collected 1.3 trillion won from 'Six Continents Charity Concert'
BTS collected 1.3 trillion won from 'Six Continents Charity Concert'
  • Daniel
  • 승인 2021.09.28 10:14
  • 댓글 0
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To raise awareness of global issues such as the climate crisis, the distribution of vaccines for the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), and the resolution of poverty, a global charity concert on six continents, where world stars took the stage, raised $1.1 billion (about 1.3 trillion won). .

According to the AP on the 27th (local time), starting with the opening stage of BTS, the 'Global Citizen Live' held on six continents, including Central Park in New York and the Eiffel Tower in Paris, was held 11 It has secured more than a billion dollars in fundraising and donation pledges.

At this event, hosted by the international charity Global Citizen, the US government promised to provide humanitarian aid of $295 million (approximately KRW 384 billion) to areas affected by the aftermath of COVID-19.

The French government also agreed to provide 60 million doses of the vaccine (one dose is one dose) to developing countries.

Croatia and Ireland also joined the vaccine support in response to calls from Global Citizen Live participants.

Lego, a global toy company, pledged to donate $150 million (about 177 billion won) to UNICEF and child support groups, and Rotary International also donated $98 million (about 116 billion won) by next year. decided to do

In addition, private charitable organizations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) have decided to support the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) by raising a $50 million (about 59 billion won) fund.

Hugh Evans, CEO of Global Citizen, told The Associated Press, "This year, 150 million people are driven into extreme poverty and 41 million people in Africa will face hunger because the COVID-19 pandemic has wiped out decades of buildup." That's why we needed a 24 hour show."

“Climate change is driving more people into extreme poverty, which is another global problem,” he said.

Global Citizen Live, which started on the morning of the 26th in Korea time, was held simultaneously in the US, France, Korea, UK, Brazil and Australia and was broadcast live 24 hours a day.

BTS, Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Billie Eilish, Jennifer Lopez, Cindy Lauper, and Prince Harry of England participated in this performance.


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