DPEC Korea signed a contract for joint educational-industrial study with Sogang University
DPEC Korea signed a contract for joint educational-industrial study with Sogang University
  • Seo Hae
    Seo Hae
  • 승인 2021.09.06 10:51
  • 댓글 0
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DPEC Korea (CEO: Yoojin Son) announced that it had signed a joint educational-industrial study contract with Sogang University's educational-industrial collaboration organization.

DPEC Korea (CEO: Yoojin Son) announced that it had signed a joint educational-industrial study contract with Sogang University's educational-industrial collaboration organization.

DPEC Korea Co., Ltd., which started the 'Blockchain Digital (Crypto) ATM / DTM project with the team of Professor Sooyong Park, a Research Director Sogang University Department of Computer Engineering, is already well known as a promising local blockchain fintech company in Busan. It moved into the Busan Startup Support Center in Pukyong National University operated by the Promotion Institute earlier this year after signing an MOU with DPEC GLOBAL LLC (CEO: Warren Kim) at its head office in California in April last year, led by the Busan Economic Promotion Agency (CEO:  Kisik Park) to jointly establish and support the Korean subsidiary of DPEC GLOBAL in Busan and to use advanced blockchain fintech platform technology for the development of the blockchain industry in Busan.

After moving into the center, DPec signed a three-way MOU with Accuon Savings Bank, a financial institution operating Hong Kong Private Fund, at the suggestion of Dawin KS (CEO: Jongmyung Lee), a blockchain fintech solution company based in Seoul to jointly develop Digital (Crypto) ATM / DTM & QR Pay solutions with Dawin. As a result, starting with the installation and operation of the ATM / DTM & QR Pay solutions at Accuon Savings Bank Haeundae branch in October, they are planning to expand the operation to 220,000 member stores of the Busan Association of Small Businesses.

DTM/Digital autoTeller Machine      


   QR Pay


In the era of With-COVID 19, the government is promoting a digital new deal policy and introducing various financial policies to expand financial benefits to individuals in the prolonged COVID-19 situation. Yoojin Son, CEO of DPEC Korea, a former employee of Korea Exchange Bank, said, "We are very happy to provide untact innovative foreign exchange financial services for foreign currency exchange, overseas remittance, and digital currency charging by combining existing FinTech technologies and advanced blockchain technologies through DTM and QR Pay solutions for the first time in the world. It is very significant because it can provide these services to all locals and foreign visitors to Busan."


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