DPEC GLOBAL, an American blockchain company, landed in Korea!
DPEC GLOBAL, an American blockchain company, landed in Korea!
  • 정욱진
  • 승인 2021.02.03 11:55
  • 댓글 0
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On April 22, last year, the Busan Economic Promotion Agency signed a MOA with DPEC GLOBAL, a US blockchain fintech company for its entry into Korea using an untact video conferencing system.

DPEC Global is the first company in the world to develop and operate blockchain fintech DIGITAL (Crypto) platform technology that implements KYC and AML functions.

KiSik Park, director of the Busan Economic Promotion Agency said, “DPEC Global originally plans to enter Seoul and is under way. At the time, our agency decided that DPEC's technology was essential to Busan, a special block-chain zone, and actively encouraged them to enter Busan, and promised to support for its successful entry. As a result of consistent efforts despite the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, we recently moved into the Busan Start-up Support Center and established DPEC KOREA (Korean subsidiary). We hope that advanced blockchain technology will be introduced in Busan to serve as a cornerstone for entering the global market as well as in Korea, and we will support for a successful settlement.”

Busan Start-up Support Center

DPEC GLOBAL CEO Warren Kim said, "In this period when the global market including the U.S. is unstable due to COVID-19, we are very pleased to enter into Korea through Busan, a special block-chain zone, after long planning. It would have been difficult without the cooperation of the Busan Economic Promotion Agency. We would like to thank our Director KiSik Park, executives, and staff members for their support and we support advanced technologies to realize blockchain digital finance such as KYC, AML, and FDS."

YooJin Son, CEO of DPEC KOREA, a Korean corporation founded this time, was thrilled, saying, "I am really thrilled. Due to the unexpected prolonged COVID-19, the US economic market collapsed compared to the beginning of last year, and the resulting economic loss at the headquarters was large, so there were many concerns that the conditions for entry into Korea would be poor so that it would fail. It was possible because of the will and support of the Busan Economic Promotion Agency. My experience at Korea Exchange Bank and the delicacy of a female CEO are my arsenal. We will soon introduce an untact and unmanned Digital (crypto) ATM for foreign currency, overseas remittance, and e-money charge, and QR OS (Web, App) system for payment based on the blockchain platform (DPEC PLATFORM). We look forward to your support and advice."

About 440,000 ATMs and more than 50,000 ATMs are in operation in the U.S and Korea, respectively. Until now, financial institutions have handled simple deposit and withdrawal and card services at ATMs without time constraints, and have insisted on untact currency exchange and overseas remittances due to the limit of untact KYC technology. What if the untact unmanned service can allow the digital new deal, expansion of untact financial services in preparation for prolonged COVID-19, and in particular, foreign currency exchange and overseas remittance, local currency charging, etc., those that are promoted by the government? What if it is available to both Koreans and foreigners? It must be fascinating. We look forward to experiencing ATM and POS, which are innovative foreign exchange financial services provided by DPEC Korea, as soon as possible.



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