"China participated in Korea’s election manipulation?"+ BTS Suffers Terror Comments from China
"China participated in Korea’s election manipulation?"+ BTS Suffers Terror Comments from China
  • Seyoung In
    Seyoung In
  • 승인 2020.10.15 12:23
  • 댓글 4
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Chinese commenters who terrorized globally popular group BTS, may intervene online in manipulating public opinion of Koreans. There are suspicions that the China-based public opinion manipulators, who are inflicting bad comments on BTS, have also participated in Korea’s election manipulation.

While countless circumstances have been discovered that the Chinese commenting individuals, participated in elections around the world. Furthermore, there are claims that these Chinese comment-manipulating forces have maliciously participated in the formation of public opinion in the Republic of Korea. Chinese public opinion manipulation forces are infiltrating public opinion of Korea. Now BTS is also at risk.

They claim "The Republic of Korea’s Rigged Elections Issue is to be Revealed" "Democracy is Dead in Korea

It is a well-known fact that in large communities such as Mom Café, for nearly ten years Chinese public opinion manipulation forces have been creating an atmosphere in support of the pro-Chinese regime, the Democratic Party.

"These Chinese forces are desperate to form a pro-government public opinion online by collaborating with the domestic force”, says Dae Kae-moon (a strong supporter of President Moon Jae-in). There are countless claims that are repeatedly raised through circumstantial evidence, screen capture, and ID reporting.

It is the norm that these Chinese manipulators are composed of domestic Chinese students, Korean-Chinese, and local comment units in China. Currently, most of the Chinese international students in Korea are affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party, and are known to follow the orders of the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese Communist Party has a law that allows international students scatter around the world in order to take the information of any country whenever they want.

Apart from international students in China, there are about 1 million Chinese Koreans (Chosun tribes) who maintain Chinese nationality, but some consider it to be 3 million people including not registered residents. There is an analysis that many of them are active on the Mam Cafe and other online communities as a pro-Chinese force.

The Chinese Communist Party has entered Korea and is conducting an act of grasping the actual situation of the Korean-Chinese. It is known that various information is collected regularly. In addition, forces are being detected in mainland China to manipulate Korean opinion online. According to multiple IT experts, IPs in certain regions in China are intensively called at certain times, and even in March, it was called Chinagate, and there were suspicions that these Chinese forces intensively manipulated the petition on the Blue House referendum site.

Industry experts explained that DAUM, a Korean domestic portal site, has already been transformed into a completely friendly site for Chinese users. Desperately hindering the formation of public opinion in the elections. After reasonable doubts, now they attack BTS too.

Our recent monitoring results shows that they also reside 24 hours a day in a conservative community trying to uncover allegations of fraudulent elections in the April 15 general election, posting thousands of comments a day trying to neutralize anti-China public opinions.

They have even repeatedly posted thousands of articles stating that it is pointless to raise suspicions about the April 15 elections, and that no one believes in them. They make detour access through the IP generator, and they seem to produce thousands of articles on the same IP per day. So they seem to be a force that manipulates public opinion professionally.

Recently, China's comment-manipulating forces have been terrorizing with excessive abuse, taking into account BTS's awards, which won the 'Van Fleet Award' for their contribution to the development of US-Korea relations. The team's leader, RM (real name Kim Nam-joon), used the award as a problem to terrorize and even put pressure on companies to halt advertisements in Samsung and Hyundai, conglomerates that BTS appeared on. The problem is that the Chinese comment unit, who leaves bad comments on BTS and terrorizes, is an organized force. Marketing experts say, "There are Chinese online commenting units in China, but it is also an organizational force that agitates them."

Apparently, China’s comment forces fostered by Xi Jinping deeply intervene in world unfair elections. In China, there are already 10 million comment units that were nurtured by Xi Jinping's direction. These comment units, which are called ``Umao,'' receiving a certain amount per comment, are known to be operated not only to create public opinion favorable to the Communist Party in China, but also to promote pro-Chinese public opinion abroad.

These Umao are armed with the low-level and radical nationalism of China, and are on a mission to foster online public opinion around the world. Naturally, it is the norm that it has penetrated deeply into the nearest capitalist country, Korea.

If the publisher of a low-quality communist party magazine such as China's Huangu Times gives a single word for support, the Umao, a Chinese comment unit, attacks comments online in each country. It is well known that the publisher of the Huangu Times directs them to the world and induces disgrace to China.

The argument that Chinese netizens' bad comments about BTS include the Umao members fostered by the Chinese Communist Party is much convincing. In fact, China's public opinion manipulation forces intervened in the elections of each country and were discovered and expelled. In elections in Canada, Australia, and Taiwan, Chinese comment-manipulation forces intervened and were disgraced by being expelled from the field. The United States is also in a state of extreme tension over whether Chinese manipulation forces. The US doesn’t want to allow any manipulation over the April presidential election.

Who protects BTS?

Public opinion in Korea is mainly formed through Naver's news comments, social media, and online communities. It is the industry's orthodox that certain forces are being manipulated at the stage of public opinion formation. There is also a Chinese comment force behind it. China's public opinion manipulation forces are known to be manipulating online around the world by monitoring in favor of China.


The terror against BTS is also not irrelevant. In addition to the BTS case, which was terrorized by the Chinese comment unit, Korean popular star Lee Hyo-ri was also recently terrorized by similar comments. This is an absurd reason that Lee Hyo-ri expressed 'Mao' during the broadcast.

Given that BTS is currently the world's most popular idol from South Korea, there is also a view that ARMY, a fan club, will fight against the terror of the Chinese comment unit. It is a fact that China launched an online terror attack on BTS, and it is expected that BTS fans around the world will no longer tolerate the CCP's manipulation of public opinion, as long as it is known that China is involved in the global elections.

One of the members of BTS fan club ARMY said, "I feel very bad because BTS was terrorized by Chinese comments. We shouldn't let Chinese commenters dominate public opinion.”



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