GSTAR (GOX) will be listed on Global Exchange LATOKEN
GSTAR (GOX) will be listed on Global Exchange LATOKEN
  • 정욱진 기자
    정욱진 기자
  • 승인 2019.03.27 11:56
  • 댓글 0
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Mobile Blockchain specialist GSTAR  will be finally listed on the global Cryptocurrency Exchange LATOKEN.COM on March 30th. 

GSTAR (GOX) has announced its listing on the Global Exchange at the end of March 2019 from 2018 and has been faithful to that date.It is difficult to set the date of listing in the Blockchain world, which has become so cloudy that it may cancel the listing day before it is listed on the exchange, and to keep the date exactly one year before.

This is because the business model needs to be prepared as well as it is, and all project participants must make efforts.The business model of GSTAR (GOX) is mobile mining using games.The objective is anyone intuitively mine without expert knowledge.

In order to have many participants in the ecosystem, business models that do not need explanation are the best.The current Blockchain technology is complex and explanatory.Especially user is difficult to understand Whitepaper because it is difficult.For the general public without expertise, white paper is a hindrance to participation in ecosystems.

Even though Blockchain is a centerpiece in the 4th industry and requires expertise, the business model or the final product should be simple because the demand for the public is high.We do not explain the technology in using money or gift certificates.What GSTAR (GOX) pursues is that it does not need to be explained, it intuitively mined and uses it naturally in the mobile ecosystem.GSTAR(GOX) is a business model that many experts around the world are looking forward to.

This is because all the offline technologies are transferred to mobile so that mobile ecosystem is connected to the whole world.The mining game of GSTAR (GOX) will be available after the end of May.More than 10 games have already been developed and people have high expectation. We hope that GSTAR (GOX) will bring fresh air to the blockchain industry.


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