Real participation of global team members in SMARTREE blockchain project
Real participation of global team members in SMARTREE blockchain project
  • In Seyoung
    In Seyoung
  • 승인 2018.09.06 11:49
  • 댓글 0
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The SMARTREE Global Human Project, one of the hottest block-chain projects of the year
From left Wouter Schagt,  Shawn Mims, Jun Jung, and DJ Blackout.

The SMARTREE Global Human Project, one of the hottest block-chain projects of the year, has been successfully progressing smoothly with substantial support from a global network of global team members.

"We have a lot of good block-chain projects in recent years, but when we actually invest in ICO, we have to prioritize the contents of the project, realistic feasibility, size of the market, and actual capacity of team members." And "A lot of people pay attention to Smartree because We have a viable project and a competent team to push it forward." said Jun Jung, the founder of Smartree.

Compared to the fact that the majority of the crypocurrencies that are currently promoting pre-sales and ICO list many Co-founders and advisers who have nothing to do with the actual projects. They are not interchangeable, they are listed as co-founders and advisors with name only, causing confusion among investors.

In this sence, Smartree's global member composition is fairly exemplary.

The SMARTREE Global Human Project Fonders ; Wouter Schagt and Jun Jung

Smartree's global team members actually work for Smartree.

Wouter, one of the founders of Smartree, is the CEO of "Qoinpro Co., Ltd." with 2 million members and CEO of Infralution, an IT company, and a representative of "United Bitcoin"(UBTC). He is a CEO and board member.

Marco, CMO of United Bitcoin, and Maarten, CEO of United Bitcoin, are also members of the advisory board of the Smartree project.

United Bitcoin is a bit coin hard fork project involving Jeff Garcia and Matthew Rojak, known as two of the five most influential figures in the global cryptography industry, and It has already been listed on more than 20 exchanges around the world.

Gianluca, one of the Co-founders of Smartree, is also the founder of Xriba, which recently listed XRA coin on the world-wide exchange 'Bitfinex'. And He is also CEO of "Solonium Tassel" Co., Ltd., with more than 100 accountants in Italy.

Team members of Smartree, After Team meeting in Seoul 

Chris Gale, co-founder of Verasity, a UK block-chain-based video advertising project, Juan Imaz, founder and CEO of the Spanish Profede project, and Joanna Pawluk of the Swiss Orion Volt project are also the team member of Smartree.

All of them are actually doing global human projects of Smartree by going to Europe, Hong Kong, USA and Seoul, Korea, and have been carrying out practical activities such as strategic conferences and conference calls at Smartree Headquarters in Seoul.

It is also known that during the last three months, when the weather was exceptionally hot in Seoul, all the global members of Smartree visited Seoul to discuss the progress of the Smartree project and the future strategy.

"To make the global human blockchain project Smatree successful, it is very important that there is real global interactions." And "We are doing our best to make Smartree Project successfully completed by participating, communicating with each other and demonstrating practical capabilities. " Said Wouter Shagt, the founder of Smartree. 



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