"RENC Global Corp, the car sharing platform business launching on the base of block chain technology"
"RENC Global Corp, the car sharing platform business launching on the base of block chain technology"
  • 김건희 기자
    김건희 기자
  • 승인 2018.08.16 12:06
  • 댓글 0
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RENC Global Corp to launch Rental Coin (RENC) 1st pre-sales this coming September

Current hot business issue, crypto currency and car-sharing are going hand in hand together. The Singapore-based car-sharing company, RENC Global Corp, is set to operate a peer-to-peer car rental platform. This company will raise at least USD $2.5 million in the first round of its initial coin offering (ICO) with tokens called Rental Coin (RENC) this coming September. In the first ICO round, the company will offer it on the Ethereum blockchain with the price fixed at 0.001 ETH per RENC. The company will announce that the first round of 100 million RENC will be sold around the world. Its own currency RENC will be listed on the public exchange market later. It will be possible to buy or sell RENC in exchange for Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Car-sharing service was started globally long time ago. At the beginning of 2000, the car-sharing business was developed remarkably by linking between online and offline operations. Grab and Uber service is included in the car-sharing business in the broad sense. Furthermore, there are many Peer to Peer (P2P) car-sharing services in the world, such as Getaround, which was founded in San Francisco in 2011. Turo Corporation was launched in 2009. Russia’s Darenta, Drivezy in India, Gitto in Malaysia, and Socar in Korea are similar service companies.

Anyone can take advantage of this service with the help of technology. They can be vehicle owners, travelers or local users looking for an affordable means of transportation. This car sharing service provides a fleet of cars to be shared in Singapore, offering competitive prices via a mobile application. The Singapore is the good place to test how it works. It is easy for car owners and users in Singapore to participate in this easy-to-use application platform. When you need the car to drive anytime, anywhere, you can book the time, the location where to go with a smartphone application. Car owners need to register information on their own cars using the application beforehand.

[Service structure] / Source: www.rentalcurrency.com

The entrepreneur/founder of RENC has long experience in the car rental business. This company is composed of business marketing, technology, and management working groups. They have plans to expand all types of rental sharing platform service including housing and restaurants in the world.



경제미디어의 새로운 패러다임, 파이낸스투데이  





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